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Bought my daily dose of magazines last week. There's plenty of workshops this month but mostly need to plunk down a large sum of money in order to attend the workshop (but fully or partial redeemable for products). Since my PC died, my pocket has tighten and I am reserving all my hard earned cash for things I need atm. Anyway to all Clarin's Fan and those interested in trying their whitening range, there's good news. If you missed out their premier launch last weekend at MidValley, you can go register for their workshop with InTrend Magazine. Details below:
Discover the Mysteries of Sea Lily
Clarins Whitening Plus HP Sea Lily Workshop
Date: 3/4/10 Saturday.
Time: 11.30am-2pm (registration sharp at 11.30am)
Venue: Gourmet @ Ritz Calton Hotel (Tingkat Bawah), KL
Participants: 30 pax only
Fees: RM30 per pax (fully redeemable against Clarins products during workshop)
Goodie Bag: 4pc sample, facial 50% off + luminous eyes treatment.
Contest: 5 exciting prizes to be given away during Q&A Session.
How To Register?
Fill in the form @ In Trend Magazine with your complete details and mail it with money order or cheque payment for RM30 to Clarins Sdn. Bhd. and send asap to them.
Fill in the form @ In Trend Magazine with your complete details and mail it with money order or cheque payment for RM30 to Clarins Sdn. Bhd. and send asap to them.
Terms & Conditions:
1. Open to the first 30 readers only with complete form and payment RM30.
2. Dateline 19/3/2010
3. InTrend will return unsuccessful forms/money back.
4. Money/Door Gift will not be returned if participants fails to attend the workshop.
5. Send your coupon to:
InTrend @ Bengkel Kecantikan In Trend & Clarins, Measat Publications Sdn Bhd
Aras 3, Wisma SSP,
Aras 3, Wisma SSP,
No. 1, Jalan SR 8/3, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
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