Bride Wars Movie Preview

it ain't star wars

This is definitely a CHICK FLICK and what's more fun to do than watching it with your best friend? Guys will say it SUCKED, girls? well you may like it and maybe u won't. For me, I love Kate Hudson  and I'm growing to love Anne Hathaway (Devil wears Prada, Ella Enchanted). This is one movie I can't wait to watch and I've won tickets to watch the movie preview this coming Tuesday 20/1/09 9.30pm @ Cathay Cineleisure, Curve (Yes!)  it will only be released in cinemas on 29/1/09 but we get to watch it first!

I'm inviting girls I know who'll enjoy this movie! One of them is the birthday girl Schazwany (her wishlist says she wants movie vouchers, but movie previews is even better!).

Girls Girls Girls

  1. Tammy
  2. Jasmine
  3. tubby canceled
  4. tubby canceled
  5. Schazwany
  6. Schazwany
  7. Schazwany
  8. Schazwany
  9. Dee
  10. Dee's hubby
  11. reserved - canceled
  12. reserved - canceled
  13. reserved - canceled
  14. reserved - canceled
  15. sky
  16. sky's friend
P.S: They made Kate Hudson looked so much younger in this movie! Love her bangs.


  1. babe! me want too!! can ah??? :)

  2. kate hudson looks like "delta goodrem" an aussie singer in that pic...lawa!

  3. dee: yes babe!!!

    farah: yeah she does right?! she look so gorgeous in here.. i like her hairstyle a lot.

  4. This is a standout amongst the most exceedingly terrible motion pictures I've ever observed. I can't acknowledge individuals get to be tied up with this arrangement, the story is essentially a standout amongst the most exceedingly dreadful ever composed and the activity is a rest fest. Thank for share. Evan Peters X Men Jacket


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