My Xmas BBQ Birthday Party - Day

2 days after Christmas (27/12/08 Sat), I had a BBQ party at my condo in Sri Hartamas, K.L. It was a whole day thingy that was divided into 2 sessions - lunch & dinner. My bf began to set up the BBQ pit @ fire at 12.30pm. Jasmine came to help decorate the place up for me. She's a wedding floral designer u know! She pretty up the place for my party ^_^

My brother Dennis was the chef of the day! (well actually for all my parties he is the chef) He had spent 2 days to plan out the menu & marinate the yummy food for my party. He is the bestest brother anyone could have! Love u brother!!!

The menu for lunch session was:
  • famous "Dennis the Menace" lamb chops
  • chicken wings in 2 special seasoning
  • homemade potato salad
  • sausages (deli & ayamas)
  • nyoya curry chicken catered
  • fried meehon catered
  • coffee bean party cakes
  • ice lychee punch for drinks
  • soft drinks
  • fruits
An Awful thing happened while my bf was trying to get the fire going. Something exploded behind me while I was setting the table up. I looked behind and saw rocks on the floor and the BBQ pit looking like this:

Yes the BBQ PIT actually blew up! well not the whole thing but a part of it. On further checking, the pit has cracked at all sides and the center part of it couldn't stand the pressure (probably due to "defective" bbq build)  Thank goodness my bf is alright. The pit blew in front of him with rocks and tiles flying up to 6 feet ahead. I asked my bf how he survive that and he said his tummy "double block" the rocks. I only could picture this:

My guests said it could be that they use "cheap materials" to build this BBQ pit. Some say they should've use bricks which could withstand the heat like any other BBQ pits. Others said the developer/whoever build this thing without thinking much. Well, I am not suprised bcoz this condo has given me so many defect problems up till today.

Well the show must go on, so my boyfriend become the BBQ-person cooking all the food up so that if a second explosion happened, he would be able to "double-block" it again with his tummy. Dangerous and so sexy yah? Well no more explosion happened after that but we actually cut the fire down to a minimun making our BBQing a bit slow. Safety first!

Adrian & Lilith

Yvonne, Selina & baby Lilith.

During the lunch session, some of my friends came. I've not seen them for so long & I really missed them. Adrian, Selina & their baby Lilith (already 1 year old as at 3/1/09) and Yvonne who just came back from a Japan holiday! Aww the baby is so cute.

Stay Tune for my Xmas BBQ Birthday Party - Night session! (soon).


  1. lol..i cant stop laughing reading the part "his tummy double block" the rocks..together wif d graphic!

    glad he is ok tho'..he must have practiced good breathing technique till batu all can melayang away..haha

  2. Jamie...What a nice time that must have been with people you care about and what a lousy way to build a bbq pit! But my tummy hurts looking at all that food MMMM and too much!I keep looking at photos like that and I will never loose the weight I have too!

  3. too bad it's only double block and not triple block or quadruple block. =P

  4. wow that's a nice party. good menu, nice to be with family. :)

  5. addy: lol.. i can't stop tellin ppl how he survive the "explosion"!! now my bf look at me like wan to kill me for bloggin bout him.

    Jamie: lol.... with me n uncle, u'll have gain 20 pounds by now!!!

    yes i enjoyed my birthday ^_^ wish u could've come thou!!

    HUrley: aiyahhh.. :(

    QuaChee: oh thank u :)

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