Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans

I watched Underworld: Rise Of The Lycans on Thursday and boy was it so damn cool! First the movie is actually a prequel to the present day Underworld (2003) movie. It's like a thousand years ago epic tale about how the war between the Death Dealers & Lycan came about. If u remember Lucian from Underworld (2003) movie where he died (poor guy), this movie is about him being born in a Werewolf cage (werewolf = lycans) as a human baby. His mother was shot dead soon after Viktor arrived to see this "human baby" making tons of noise in the cage dungeons. Of course the movie would tell u more in detail why Viktor decided not to kill the human baby whom he named Lucian (Michael Sheen).

Like childhood lovers between a high ranking society girl and a low ranking slave person, Lucian and Sonja (Rhonda Mitra @ Doomsday & Kate Beck lookalike) kept their secret love affair from Viktor and their kind. The cinema censored the love making scene of them so I was dissapointed =_= ish. Basically a Romeo & Juliet tale that I cried.. (bring kleenex if u're on the sensitive side).

Well at the begining of this movie I was wondering why when Viktor talks, he seems so familiar like I've seen this "kind" of expression and accent before. I asked my bf and yea darn it! he talks just like Davy Jones of the Pirates of the Caribbean movie! with the.. strange mouth movements like he's an octopus or something. Well let me know if u feel the same haha.

Overall I enjoyed this movie to the max! it's definitely an eye opener to the other 2 Underworld movies I've seen. I wish there was more gore and bloodsheed going on because hey those are some nasty Lycans we're talking about.  A sad love tale & the begining of the lycan n death dealer war. All questions (ok some of it) will be answered in this movie. I give it a 4 star must watch for the fans of Underworld.


  1. wow!!i am very excited to watch underworld:rise of the lycans because i have seen the the first movie of underworld and it was really nice...my husband is also excited about this movie coz he saw the trailer and he was really impressed!

  2. i also just watched them yesterday at gsc gold class. pheww..nasib baik worth it. yes, the movie is good. :)

    miu..i have no idea this movie is a prequel. no wonder la my bf and i confused and trying to get the idea to connect on previous movies. LOL.

    if i did not read yr blog i wouldn't know..hehe..

  3. yea ^___^ good movie! it's been some time since we had good movies.. or a trilogy... kakkaka

    sugarbabe: wow watch gold class, i would've thought u're a big big fan to go watch in gold class babe! :)

    this is really nice movie if u watch Underworld and Underworld 2. They are in the dvd stores and would be a nice continuation to what happened to Lucian and Viktor. U can even get to see that "no good betrayer" who become quite "atas" in the vampire society for taking care of the elders in that boat hahhaha

  4. i didn't realize viktor and davy are the same person!!! this is a interesting find!

  5. akiki, na they not the same actors i think..... just have the same 'mouth disorder' kekekekek

  6. They actually are. Look it up. It's Bill Nighy. As soon as I heard the accent I knew it immediately. Know this is an old topic, just thought I'd let ya'll know.

  7. hey so really same actor right?

    my friends told me it's not the same actor and i think..back then i did google up n check.

    really old post! forgotten what happened already and the recent G Force movie has Bill again with his trademark mouth movement n accent!!


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