Thank u all for the birthday wishes!!!

of bloggers, friends & yummy hagen daz cake!

I would like to thank all you girls & guys for the birthday & new year wishes! I am so thankful to have met some of you and to know all of u. I hope that 2009 will be the start of a brand new year with candy kisses, hugs from love ones, and love's ultimate desires fulfilled and cherished! Happy New Year my friends! LOVE U ALL SO MUCH!!!



  1. how come we all didn't get to eat the haagen daaz cake? that was one of the reason we drove for hours you know.. (beside celebrating your b/d, of course)

  2. u all go bak so fast mah T_T sob sob

  3. still not fair. we left at 10.30 ++

    i demand my haagen daaz (one hand banging table, another hand wiping tears)

  4. Hi! Miu darling!

    Happy Belated Birthday! Better late than never. I'm backkk...


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