A Gift From An Angel

Omg today Angelzoe came to see me to COD her stuffs and we chatted so long outside my condo with the guards all wondering why this 2 girls so much to talk about and giggling outside. This is my first time meeting Angelzoe but her name is Azura. She's so fun & very chatty!!! I enjoyed talking to her outside just at her car. We talked about warehouse sales, her baby, her being a mommy and all. Then before we end our chat, she took out this gift for me. I was caught unexpected. This is my first time meeting her and we're already chatting like school girls. Moreover she bought me a birthday gift! such an angel, I like it a lot!

It's brooches - a pair of girly sandals and cat! omg thank u Angel you're so sweet!


  1. you see, when you gives out your heart, you get tenfold in return.

    to nurul there, hey, way to go gal, you certainly proved to miu that in this world, there are nice people around still, don't go and worry about those high nosed people. they can take their nose and shove it up where it belonged...

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