Monsters Vs. Alien 3D Contest Winners

Dang! I didn't think I will be reading essays for 2 days on Stila! I was thinking of just one paragraph entries. These girls just poured in their heart & soul into telling me how much they love stila! I'm so driven by their entries that I have decided to award all of them a bonus stila mystery gift! (clue: for your lips). Not only that I decided to add one more pair of tickets making that a total of 7 winners who'll be getting a pair of tickets each to the speacial 3D screening of Monsters VS Aliens at GSC BU 20th May, 09 at 9pm, a Pink Stila tin can and yes let's not forget the mystery gift as well. Congratulations to all 7 of you. You are definitely STILA FANS!!!

1st Winner: Harim from Cheras
Miu: omg sexy babe!!!! stila transformation!

Most of us girls in Malaysia now have got the craziness of Stila by matter how old you are, where you are, each of us surely,have own a Stila cosmetic/merchandise. I've fallen in love with Stila since she came to Malaysia a few years back. The ad print of Stila portrayed a gorgeous animation lady in kebaya. I was delighted, maybe this brand suits me after all.

Too bad, life as a student made me throw all the imagination away. Although I couldn't afford to purchase Stila, my sister managed to win a contest in a magazine and received a pot cheek colour as the prize...that was one of our most precious thing.

Then, Stila went on sale. A big crazy sale! A sale of a lifetime I might say. I went crazy too! :D I'm glad it was not only me gone mad...but many of girls out there too.
With my craziness, I past it on to my friends...and basically, my visits to Stila were by purchasing items for them.

One time, on the first batch of Stila craziness sale, I help a dear friend who is getting married to
ensemble her hantaran, a make up set from Stila. The challenge that I had was to match the cosmetic with her skin tone without her being presence. I need to find suitable shades for her, finding a full set of make up in a tight budget she gave! As soon as she told me about her theme color (black n red), my mind flew to the backstage palette which have a beautiful red casing and a very black rose tie that you can do as a choker, a bracelet or even accessory for bags, just use your creative imagination! To top it all, the palette also come with a mini kajal eye liner also with perfect shade for my friend.

It was mad crazy that day, I had to run back and forth from office to Stila KLCC as I had to finished my work at the office. Lucky for me,
I met Miu :) Miu was the one who helped me to get the backstage palette. I couldn't thank her enough. *smiles*

Mission accomplish after a few days assembling the make up set. We even got Stila red box to go with the set :) My friend was smiling till her ears when we got the final item, the red box. After the hantaran mission, I persuaded friends to not miss the once in a lifetime sale. And I successfully did it.. I brought them along to the Stila counters, and some of them just ordered items straight from me. Seriously, I don't mind picking up stuff from them. I had a lot of fun doing that.

Each time of stock arrivals, I couldn't wait.
My adrenalin runs mad crazy. Of course, I have not forgotten myself, I bought stuff that I really can use.

What makes the stila crazy sale even a worth is that
I make friends.

Like Miu, I have been reading her blog couple of times before, and because of Stila, we emailed each other before I bumped into her at Stila KLCC. Vina, been seeing her at the Stila counter a few times before, and now, we even texting each other for updates.And also not to forget Cai and Voonie. And of course, the two super helpful and nice Stila KLCC s/a, Vincent and Lilian...from a stranger to Stila, now I am one of Stila fan whom got a ring from the s/a every time there's new stock come. Among all the precious item I bought from Stila,
my personal favorite would be the make up case. A big worthy!

The departing of Stila to US is sad, it means, we are not going to see her anymore at the malls, but it sure have leave us with smiles as for those who never own a Stila, like me, now has a haul of it at home, and like I said, we have make even many friends along the sale.

Thank you, Stila!

harim ;)


2nd Winner - Kitty from Kuala Lumpur
Miu: aww so cute, daughter win for mom!

I've tried Stila before, way back when it just arrived on Malaysian shores. But at that time, with the salary I had and the prices... I just couldn't afford it long-term.

Fast forward a few years. I click on a link on my girlfriend Zyrin's blog, and find Miu's.

Her love and ardor for Stila sparks an interest in me. And so I start using the lip glazes again (esp since she was selling off some of the travel sized ones). And just after I started contemplating buying stuff at the counter, Stila goes on clearance sale and I rush (along with everyone else) to buy buy buy buy buy and oh, did I mention buy? stuff from Stila.

I've been chasing after Stila stuff so much, I've asked people like Miu to help me get stuff *chuckles*. Not only that, I've also been guilty of asking, er.. whining... er... alright... I've been guilty of FORCING my husband to go get me Stila stuff when I've been at work just cause he works in the center of KL on some days.

So, has Stila only changed MY life? Definitely NOT!. Other than my poor suffering husband, my MOTHER has also now fallen in love with Stila - more precisely, the Stila girl.

I am now hoarding so much Stila stuff, I think I won't need to buy foundation, compact powder, eyeshadow and lip gloss for AT LEAST ONE AND A HALF years. AT LEAST. Because I'm not really the make up type of girl. I don't really bother to reapply. Esp since I had our baby. So.... what will happen to my Stila things? Well other than me using it BIT by BIT because I am afraid of running out... here, take a look for yourself.

Here's a picture of my 2 years 1 month old daughter (known online as Manja) "helping" me use up my Stila make up. In the picture, she's "wearing" my Holly Berry lip glaze, also helping the compact powder "wear" it and have been trying to open my eyeshadow.

She now has a fascination with ALL my Stila stuff and will ignore my lipsticks, just focusing on the lip glazes. She will also "fight" me for control of the Stila make up case when I use it to get ready.

I really hope that Stila will be available to us here somehow, maybe Shins or Sasa will carry it (cross fingers, but hardly likely)... and that my daughter will have a fun make up brand to use when she grows up. Because honestly, after being bitten by the Stila bug, I find that the other brands available here are not as fun (or as attractive) as Stila.


Kitty Pyrde
Kuala Lumpur


3rd winner - Cuna from Gombak
Miu: wow your bf is dam cool wei!

These are my entire Stila haul until now. Maybe not so many compare to others …but still it’s the craziest thing I’ve ever done in my life…bought bundle of cosmetics products in a short time. Let’s get started on how I got infected in Stila fever. Surely from ‘stalking’ Miu’s blog: D Actually needs to thanks Miu coz if not I’ll never know and feel the enjoyable moment with Stila forever. At the very beginning, I just read as usual and have no feeling at all to buy Stila as I’m not a Stila fans. Never know about Stila also…very outdated one…hehe..Until one day after I read thru Miu’s entry titled ‘Stila Cosmetics Parkson 1 Utama’…I was like ‘wowww’…should go and have a look coz I always go there…compare to Pavillion or KLCC. The 1st time I go to Stila counter is on Saturday when they restock early in the morning. I went around 10.30 and OMG there was already a long q. At 1st I've already gave up waiting but thought that it might be the 1st and also the last time I would buy Stila stuffs, so I just q patiently. The most unbelievable part is I saw Miu in the line…but not enough courage to say hi; p After q almost 2 hours, finally I got chance to take a look at some displayed stuffs. As it was my 1st time, I became very blur on what to buy. I just bought 1 ‘Pomegranate’ lip glaze. Can u imagine? Only bought 1 small stuff after waiting 2 hours in line. People must think I’m crazy or idiot. hahaha.

Then, it’s ok. I thought it’ll end there….but it’s not over..muahahah…until I read Miu’s entry titled ‘My Stila Haul’…I was ‘wahhhhhh’ again…what a nice stuffs Miu got. Actually I checked almost every hour to check when she wants to revealed the stuffs she bought. At that time my passion to add up my stila stuffs became more chronic. But sadly I can’t find any nice stuff at Stila BU. Then I just decided to ask help from Miu the savior. COD @ 1u. Here where I met her for the 1st time. I mean face to face. All these while just see her in her blog of coz.

It’s not the ending for my Stila craze yet. A few days after COD, I went to MJ warehouse sale at Shah Alam. As anyone can expect I go and attack Stila counter 1st until forgot to take a look at my favourite perfumes. huhuh.I think I’m the 5th earliest girl to come to their counter…here I bought quite a lot Stila stuffs like buy fish n vege @ market. I still can’t believe until now I can be such a greedy person..hahaha. Got morale support from bf sum more =) Give me more strength to grab more Stila :D Gambate!

The pics show I’m wearing ‘Pomegranate’ lip glaze, Look No. 2 e/s and PPG blusher. I’m not expert to apply heavy makeup. Just put on the light2 one. But still the lip glaze is so amazing. Really like the taste, smell n color. Hope I can buy a box of lip glazes. What make me happier is my bf also like me to put on my Stila. The pic shows his reaction after seeing me put on my Stila…hahaha…It’s not the real one of course but it shows exactly the excitement we share together (^ __ ^)

After went to the warehouse sale I can already declare myself as a poor bankrupt girl. I just sit still at home until 1 day I pass BU counter and then stuck there again buying things..hahaha…crazy cuna. Not enough until there, suddenly I fall in luv with Kitten Gloss and Scarlett Palette after saw them in Miu’s entry..again?No matter what happen I’ll never regret that I’ve bought so many Stila until now…really worth it. Right now I also dunno what to say to Stila. Perhaps “pls go go away (coz u make me broke)” or “pls don’t go ( coz I really luv ur products)”…huhu…so in these 2 or 3 months I cannot go shopping anymore..sob..sob. NO new clothes, NO shoes and NO accessories. Say NO to shopping =( I can’t imagine what’s life could be after all my Stila finished. Especially the lip glazes…wahhh…I’m really in luv with it. Dunno how to describe the feeling already. After all what can I say is

“STILA, pls don’t leave me. I’ll be missing u so much!!”



4th winner - Cai from Kuala Lumpur
miu: u make me want to eat Stila

Once upon a time....tat was a gal...ehmmm..wat a stupid beginning....ok..the story begins with my Stila workshop...i mus admit tat i fall in love with Stila after attended the Stila workshop end of last year....i commited myself the very 1st Stila product--->Lipglaze Christmas set...and i get to know Lilian, the Stila KLCC counter manager....sometimes u love the brand not bcos of the product but oso the ppl who servive u rite?And of cos, i love Stila's packaging, the inspiration of the product and the gorgeous illustration!

The most valuable thing that i get from Stila Haul is i get to know Miu, Harim, Von Von and other frens...Its really fun to have a bunch of frens to share common interest...i wont forget the night that v waited few hours in Stila KLCC and
grab Stila products like barbarians wen Wendy (Stila staff) brought out the boxes....=.=

The craziness din jus stop here...i went crazy @
ebay...imagine i log in ebay everyday and search Stila products from day to midnight....and google Stila products wenever i am free....and the most happiest thing is i manage to win Sleeping Princess Palette and Cancam Palette!!!! and guess what...i was bidding these 2 items @ Daiso, The curve....=.= as i has promised my bf to watch movie with him, and i really cant let go the 2 items tat i been eyeing for so long...i lured him to Daiso, and i hide myself inside Daiso (for more than 40 mins) and bid Stila palettes via ebay Mobile..thank god that the connection was awesome that day...

and of cos i continue my madness with ebay....and manage to grab another 3 more eye shadow palettes - Blanc palette, Red carpet palette and Runaway Look me
INSANE.....imagine how precious my Stila eye shadow palettes are...flying all the way from US to Malaysia to meet me ....although the shipping cost really cost me a bomb....but it wont stop my passion to own all of it...becos I LOVE STILA!!!

It is sad tat Stila is no longer available in Malaysia soon...but the love and passion towards Stila will never fade easily...and i know for sure..STILA will be back to Malaysia sooner or later :)

Long live...STILA!!!

Cai @ Wing

Angelzoe’s Stila Fever.
5th winner: Angelzoe from Kuala Lumpur
(pic to be updated later)
miu: gratz! your hubby has the same look my bf givin me!

My first Stila collection was from last year’s MJ w/hse sale in Shah Alam. I knew about Stila from beauty mags but had always only admired it’s packaging. Other than that, since it’s quite pricey before the “fever-infusing-sale”, I don’t really giv it a try.My purchase at the MJ w/hse sale was also a coincidence. I had already q’d for the cashier when I saw the Stila sign, n since the price at dat time are much cheaper, I grabbed the geneviere and scarlett pallete, lipglaze in spiced rum and peach cobbler, IT gloss in sweet n lipstick in Natalie.My very 1st Stila haul!

Since then, I’m so in love with Stila.The fact that it’s so fun to use n the packaging is lovely.My only concern was the price, but as Miu had mentioned in her blog abt the Stila Girlfriend Rewards, I’m just abt to contemplate joining this year ( lured by the “Oh-so-cool” premiums Miu had!!) when the sale started! Sadly, I was in the middle of a very busy semester at my office, and as I’m also doing my Masters, I’m in the middle of submission weeks, presentations as well as final exams!!wargh!!Then Miu came to the rescue!How grateful I am to know her, she helped me get all the Stila that I wished for, so that I can study in peace..:D She helped me get the convertible eyecolor in Stone(!!which I fell in love instantly)cherry crush( head over heels with this!),PPG lipglaze and cherry mint plumping glaze(wow!terrific!) as well as the hard-to-get stila collectibles ( umbrella,pink pouch, tin cans and the train case!!). Mucha Gracias Miu!!Miu rocks!

As of today, I’m no longer that busy so whenever I got the chance, I’ll go scout the counters myself just to feel the thrill of the craze.My Stila collection is evergrowing rapidly that my hubby are alarmed: he doesn’t mind me buying, he even helped sometimes wif the purchase or looking for the stila stuff that I wanted.But he had never seen me so crazy like this before!Here’s my hubby’s pic wif my latest collection..look at his face!Poor darling.

The best thing is, Stila made me know many new ppl who shared the same interest wif me, especially Miu, Shirley and Harim, as well as made me rediscover the joy of putting on makeup and emerging wif new looks each time!

Stila..i’m in love!!

6th Winner - Serene from Cheras
miu: beautiful... r u wearing stila in this photo?

Stila have a huge fan base here in Malaysia as well as overseas. Well, I am proud to say that I am a Stila’s avid fan as well. To prove my loyalty, I went as far as Singapore to get my Stila palettes as it were out of stock here. (Mind you, it cost more in Singapore) and I have to begged and dragged my bf there. The most memorable part of my search for Stila’s product is that it led me to Tammy (aka Miu). And since then, we have been great friends, sharing product knowledge and love for Stila! Thanks Miu for the enlightenment! Well, I have been a loyal user of Stila …I have tried and tested most of Stila’s products, from cosmetics, perfumes to its skin care range. My personal favorite is Stila’s Lip Glaze in Fruit Punch. All in all, Stila will remain my one and only love ….it is a MUST HAVE for the chic lit gals in town! And it is hard to say goodbye to my love, Stila ….and I believe Stila will be back …more chic lit and better!

Je t'aime, Stila!



Final winner: Emily from Subang Jaya
Miu: omg girl that's a lot of brushes!

I’m 20 years old now and I’m still a student, but I started liking stila’s stuff since the year of 2006 when I was only 16 years old. My first ever cosmetic item is a lip gloss from Stila and it was the stila lip shine which is rosey shine. At that moment, I already actually fell in love with colour (packaging as well….=P) and so my parents got me that. Imagine that it costs Rm60 and I was like thinking that it was super expensive but still, I love it…XD

Well eventually after that, my love for their stuffs did not stop right there, however, I never gotten to buy any of their things after that because since I’m a student, I’m under a financial constraint becauseeven my one whole month allowance at that time would not allow me to buy a lip shine, a lip glaze or even any of their items…hahaha…but still, that did not stop me from continuing to visit their stores once in a while when I’m there shopping with my parents…

So actually I never bought their things during those 3 years all the way until last year when I decided to stop by at their stila counters in Stila mid valley or at stila klcc and then I started buying their lip glazes because I was so in love with their technology of that lip gloss and I love the clicky pen…hahaha….XD yup, I really liked that so I ended up buying like 3 lip glazes….lol….so far, I only used and finished using one…I just can’t stop valuing it too much….XD

Besides that, I also really liked buying their glitter eyeliners because I love the shimmer in it and somehow to me, that was a more affordable item than their other stuffs though I really love nearly all their items. So anyway, I love both of their colours:- the green gold and silver lilac glitter eyeliner and of course I have them both…^^

Oh yeah, not only that, I really have a thing for their makeup removers too so I decided to buy both their face and eye makeup removers but unfortunately no matter how much I also love and spazz over their smoky eye palettes & brushes, there was no way I could afford buying their things already because buying those few items which I mentioned on the above were enough to make me broke because before buying those items, I bought other few items from other brands and obviously, I’m under a financial constraint since I’m not given much allowance a month….BUT…..nevertheless, I still continued lurking around on their stila website as always just to check out what’s new and dreaming on having them all (in my dreams) and also going to their counters at least once or twice a month just to check out their items but unable to buy them….sighs…

But last December, just 1 or 2 weeks before I went to Australia when I went to stila klcc, the holiday collection was on sale, and when I saw the smudge pot trio collection, I went completely crazy about it because it’s smudge proof, as in, it would not smudge all over eyes even if I put it on my eye for a whole day (due to myself having oily eyelids)…Therefore, after 15 minutes, I came to a conclusion that I must get it because I already thought it’s CUTE!!!=P hahahaha….So yeah, I bought it and until now, seriously there’s no way I’ll ever regret buying it because their smudge pot is super duper good!!!!

And NOPE… far, I’ve tried other brands’ eyeliners but up till now, none made me satisfied at all….Hence, this is a MUST buy whether for those with normal to oily eyelids….^^ hahaha….

Anyway, after that, I really stopped buying already because I was so broke and I had to continue saving back my money so I held myself back all the way till last month, on the first week of april when I suddenly stopped by at metrojaya mid valley to check out some stila stuff but unfortunately, the store already closed down which I didn’t know why but I still decided to go check out their store in isetan gardens and luckily the store there was till there…hahahaha….

I asked them what happened to their store in mid valley and they told me about them closing down and all and I was like WHAT??!!!!NO WAY!!!!=(

Of course I was upset about it but they told me about the closing sale so I was like superbly excited and I started checking out their stuffs. Because very few people only knew about their closing down sale at that time, the counter was like completely empty with people, therefore, the SA was so free to help me apply the smudge pot eyeliner on my eyelids…wow right???good treatment for a start…lol…XD She even helped me check out what shade of the sheer tinted moisturizer SPF30 which suits me and I also started asking the other SA whether that was the right shade for me. Funny, I know because they were just so free too. Oh yeah, luckily I also checked out their brushes and I manage to get my hands on some except for the big brushes and the double sided brushes….

***Right now, as of today, I still think of myself for being stupid because I forgotten to check out stila counter at klcc that day because I know that if I did check it out that time, I would have gotten all those brushes already…..=S ah, too bad but never mind, still, no complains about it…***

~~Anyway, back to the story~~ I was already so happy that time that I gotten some of the things that I wanted but still somehow it seems that it wasn’t enough because there are still so many more of stila stuffs which I haven’t gotten, therefore, in the next week, after telling my friends about it, we went over there again for their restocks and there goes my money on their items again but nevertheless, I was still happy somehow because I managed to get my hands on their illuminating treatment powder which I was craving about it earlier but couldn’t get it because it was out of stock.

My friends and I went home feeling grateful and happy and so somehow on that day, I decided to google on stila cosmetics Malaysia and I stumbled upon MIU’s blog. From that day onwards, there was not once where I don’t visit her blog because I totally fell in love with her stories as she blogs on her stila haul and informing people about news of restocks and everything else. Hence, her blog was the key information now for me getting news on stila’s next restocks besides having myself calling the SAs’…

Well, actually my first few stila hauls were a happy and peaceful one but unfortunately the PEACEFUL moments do not happen to me in my following stila hauls in KLCC in the following week where I first met miu and vonvon there. It was a Wednesday where actually the stocks were suppose to be released on that evening, however, thanks to the parkson management, it ended up being relased the next day. Imagine I’m a student staying in subang jaya taking a train all the way there with high hopes to get the things which I want but ended up waiting the whole day and ended up with nothing to return home. I also ended up getting scoldings from my parents but I still did not give up hope and continue my journey there on the next day, Thursday. Thank goodness I managed to get most of my stuffs and even getting some limited edition stuffs which were nice!!!^^

Anyway, I went home feeling happy again because although I had to go through one hell of an experience the day before but it ended up worth it when you managed to get those things….=) Anyway, after that crazy stila haul, I still went on visiting Stila KLCC and gardens counter once or twice a week to continue checking on their stila restocks and of course getting more great stuffs…OBVIOUSLY, I also spotted miu, vonvon and many other people there a few more times…hahahaha….XD


Eventhough right now I know that I’ve spent quite some money on their things but seriously if not because of this sale, I wouldn’t be able to even have all those items which I love so much in my stash right now and I wouldn’t be able to gain more friends right now like I did from those crazy hauls…..=) so I’m still really HAPPY about it…



This is an example of my entry to Stila Cosmetics USA in 2007 (which of course can't win coz international can't join). In the pictures u may spot the "Just My Luck" palette with 5 crystals on it. It's the Lindsay Lohan inspired movie Stila Palette! love bits.

Miu from Kuala Lumpur

"I love Stila very much, so much I never fail to show up at my neighborhood shopping mall to find out about the latest stuffs from Stila. It has been my second home since I discover Stila last year and my collection has been growing. I love the simple, cute and adorable packaging, the glittering shimmers on the eye shadows and the ever smooch-worthy lip glazes. I also adore the Asian exclusive range which is fun, easy and adorably cute. For my friend's wedding I decided to wear a Japanese infused dress and needed a simple make over with colors that compliment my theme. I used Stila's Pon Pon Gerbera Eyeshadow Trio, Multi-Effect Mascara, Cherry Crush, Long wear lip color in croquette, and liquid eye liner in black (in picture, on the way to my friend's wedding dinner) and my friends were complimenting my eye make up all night long!"

Forever A Stila Girl


  1. yayy!!!

    thank u babe!
    thank u thank u..


  2. oh..i love all of ur collections!!!!

  3. hahahah. anak belasah make up, mak bapak dapat gi tgk wayang.

    thanks Miu!!! (hugs!)

  4. Thanks babe for choosing me as 1 of the lucky winner. wahhhh u wanna give watermelon lip glaze for free meh?? it's so kind of u.hehe ;)

  5. i not printing money!!!

    congratulations to everyone :D

    love your pics n story!

    semangat betul!!!!

  6. when it comes to Stila...we all go crazyyy n semangatttt as we can!

    MIU TOO!!!!!!!!



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