Stila Brush Roll

Thanks to Jenny Luvs Kitten, I managed to call my brother who works at Wisma Genting to buy this Stila Brush Roll for me! It was the last one and at rm60 (woah pricey but maybe because the pouch is made of leather? feels like leather). My brother came to visit me today so he brought he brush roll for me! yay!!!! pics pics!!!

so this is how it looks like rolled up
(stila word is embossed on it)

it opens up to 3 parts
(uses Velcro to hold, i don't fancy that)

ta dah! it fits my brushes!
(no the brushes don't come with the pouch)

so I can finally bring my brushes to travel!

I do like the leathery feel of this Stila Brush Roll. For rm60, I wish it was much cheaper! also this makes the Stila Brush Roll the most expensive Stila Collectible at counters. Probably because it's made of leather? I'm just guessing. Another thing is I did not see this Stila Brush Roll anywhere else and no one has mention about it until Jenny saw it at Stila Pavillion last Sat. My brother only manage to buy it on Wednesday. Being the last one, I'm surprised it survive 5 days of sitting on the counter without anyone buying it. Wonder why.

What I don't like is the Velcro thingy that holds it together. I wish it was a magnetic button or a zipper. Velcro seems not to last after some time. Second thing I dislike is the pocket size of the brushes. There's only 2 big pockets and the rests are smaller pockets. I can't hold all my big/fat brushes in it (e.g stila brush no.21, 24, 8, 1), but I guess that's just fine because I'm so happy to have included it into my Stila Collection! and it's like a mini make up artist brush roll that I can bring anywhere and not just chuck it into some plastic wrap or pouch.


  1. i've seen it at 1u but didn't buy it coz i thought it's pretty expensive esp being not leather :(

  2. Jenny Luvs KittenMay 10, 2009 at 7:59 AM

    Aaawwww, so glad that it is part of your collection now :) At first glance it doesn't look like leather.. but maybe maybe just maybe it is!

  3. I've seen this before too, at Pavilion when i bought my makeup case.

  4. Never seen this b4. Prolly very limited? But rm60? Oh dear I do think it's pricey. <_>

  5. woahhh..bestnyaa!! u got so many brushes!! im so jealous!

  6. thanks Miu. got mine at RM48, in Gardens Isetan. the last one..:)


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