Stila NEW Indian Summer Collection

OMGOSH! Stila has introduced a New Indian Summer Collection! (I can hear some of us Malaysians screaming in ecstasy now and maybe crying since Malaysia has no more Stila!) JClues must be admiring the Stila girl now!!!

click here for the collection


  1. Wooot!!! I'm drooling just by looking at the collection! I want~ but have no money, since I gotta save for the Barbie collection I've ordered from my cousin in UK. Wuuu~

    BTW, stilacosmetics does went through a lil marketing facelift, eh? I never knew that they believe in endorsing real-life models to represent the brand, other than THE stila girl.

  2. wuuwuuwuu....they r callin my name....y y..y i cant bring it back home!!! sob sob..i want the collection so much!!!

  3. what the #$%#@ sensored words !!! why tempt us like this =.="" so online buy if really want it >_<"" but as usual online purchase is sux ! =.=""
    so gorgeous la.....that set T__T

    my HOLY GRAIL 24 K smudge pot sumore wahahaha...droool liao

    tutu J

  4. gah.....why oh why cna't i get those collection!!!

    i'm seriously in love with this summer indian collection!!!!='(

    the smudge pot + lip gloss + powder is all calling me to buy them but i can't!!!!grrrrr.....

  5. Hey Miu,
    Have you tried Rimmel Vinyl Gloss in Demure? I think that it is a good dupe for Stila Lip Glaze in Grapefruit, except for the fact that the Rimmel gloss doesn't have any shimmer in it. The Rimmel gloss retails at 18.90 for 5ml (more than twice the amount of Stila), so if you want to try it, please let me know what you think.

  6. hanna: wow.. u ordered Barbie collection from UK? how much do u have to pay? so jeles.. u can get barbie!!!

    hmm i thought they have been using celebrities/models to market their brand? @_@ they were trying to cut stila girl out after estee lauder sold stila away. I read this from Paris B haha..

    Cai Wing: i am sad too!!!

    tutu J: i wish i can online buy! they dun entertain international shipping T_T sob sob..

    emily: i'm very impressed with their new collection..amazing.. comeback. Stila just bought over by Patriach Partners and now already launching new collection!

    Candace" oh i have not trie rimmel vinyl gloss in demure. Serious? like grapefruit? with Stila gone, I would need to find the next best lipgloss/glaze already but not so soon coz.. pocket dry T_T & i got so many lipgloss now.. haha.

    If u have review it in your blog let me know, would like to read :)

  7. Hehee I happened to have a cousin studyin in England. If not for her final exams now, I'd bug her about the collection! Huhu dont wanna bother her with her studies. But she did promise me to buy Babrie collection b4 goin back to Msia.

    If not mistaken, my cousin said the collection is about 20++pounds. HOPEFULLY I'll get the collection! (prays harddddd~)


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