Fun Day at Stila KLCC

must get items of the day!
(haha we're just havin fun here!)

OK I Lied. It was boring and dead tiring waiting for Parkson to tag all the stocks (before they could be released to the counters for sale). I heard there's only 1 parkson staff doing it and there is no way that person can finish tagging all the items yesterday. Furthermore with Friday being a holiday, there was no one to tag it and only by Saturday would some of the remaining large quantity of stocks would come out to say "hello". I doubt it all of it will come out. Vincent who's going to take over managing the counter says probably 2pm the stocks will come out tomorrow (Sat). There's no promise though so wait at your own risk! that's what we all did and to pass the time we camwhore with stila products (Stila should be proud of us doing free advertising!) I got some pictures below from Harim's blog to show what we all did for hours at Stila KLCC.

girls camwhoring while waiting for restocks

we did what we could to help Lilian & Vincent out
(arranging the tinted moisturisers according to shade was fun)

tadah!! all nicely stacked up

how can I help you?
(Harim took pictures of us without our knowledge!)

I was stacking up Stila Tin cans
(actually i was thinking if these would reduce to rm1?)

Ok besides camwhoring, well actually the stocks that finally came out or was out the whole day was pretty blah to begin with. I know by now a lot of Stila fans are waiting for the limited edition, past holiday collections and some gems to come out from the warehouse. Yes even I picture an old warehouse that was clearing and maybe gold was found!

gift of glamour showed up at BU for rm160
(it has kitten & contessa e/s, fruitcake lip glaze, tinted moisturiser and mascara)

I know u girls are waiting to see my haul which I have not paid for because I'm still waiting until they fully released all the goodies out from Parkson's store room. For now maybe some interesting pics will satisfy u? The Gift of Glamour which was spotted at Stila BU for rm160. The Belle of the Ball e/s palette rm50. I got the last 2 and yes I know :( some girls wanted it but I got to have them because I complained of my 2 defective scarlett palette which I bought and they have no more stock to exchange with me so Lilian offer these instead. They are of same value as Scarlett Palette.

I like the cover a lot

I think Scarlett Deluxe Palette was worth the rm50 compare to E/S book palettes. Why? because Scarlett Palette has 3 e/s, 1 cheek color, 1 lip color and a lip brush. Not to mention there's 2 crystals on it's metal palette cover with cute flowery pattern.

Anyone manage to buy the Stila Student Pouch for rm10?
(it's made of leather!)

I have Stila 2008 diary!
(last year Stila gave it out if u purchase rm400 above)

the inside :)

In the first group pic, I was holding this
Stila Holiday Bronze for rm20
compared to the normal bronzer on sale for rm40
(why cheaper? coz it's manu in 2005 but i like the sun highlighter)

This came out yesterday for rm50
Stila Bronze Shimmer E/S Trio
(also available in Gold Shimmer)

I got 3 in bronze shimmer & 1 in gold shimmer. Actually I had double of each but I don't know how I end up with 3 bronze shimmer & 1 gold shimmer in the end. The description from Sephora on this item is pretty interesting:

Eye Shadow Trio
Let your lids look like they've been lying in the sun. Designed to be applied either wet or dry, this eyeshadow trio is baked on a terra cotta disk for a sheer, never chalky, application. The bronze trio features three different tonal shades for use as a base, crease shadow, and eyeliner.

To end this post, I'll talk about BU Stila today. I went there a few times during my event break to check out items but it was all boring blah stocks. I was pretty disappointed that they don't tell the customers what's nice to buy. They just told me e/s, lipstick, etc.. but never say things like there's Jade Blossom shower gel for rm20 only! (by the 3rd time i visit the counter, I saw someone already bought the last of it). I bought the last kitten lip gloss. apparently. By now I don't know to trust them or not when they say last last last.

Also I saw Star Trek movie preview by AMBP at GSC 1u at 7pm. It was AWESOME! a MUST WATCH even for the non-trekkie fan. I was told we're the first one to watch it in Malaysia/World but apparently I just receive a comment from someone who watched it even earlier like Wednesday. It's amazing and I hope my 18 lucky guests will enjoy this movie this coming Tuesday. The List has been finalize :)

If u didn't make it to the list, don't worry there's plenty more movie previews next time around. In fact 12 lucky people will get to watch in May. Stay tune.


  1. i saw it on wednesday. it was beyond my expectations!! was not a fan since i've never seen an episode of the series but WOW. you don't have to know anything about the movie to enjoy it. there's something for everyone! i really recommend it!!

    glad you like it too!!


  2. Jenny Luvs KittenMay 2, 2009 at 8:20 AM

    You finally got your gift of glamour! :)

  3. Jenny Luvs KittenMay 2, 2009 at 9:41 AM

    Miu, if you come across eyeshadow trio in copper glow or champagne glow, please sell to me :)

  4. Wow! You guys took so many pix that night after I left...looks like lots of fun....Wished I could stay longer....:(

    Lucky I managed to get one of the Sun bronzer. Lilian brought 1 to me when I was hurrying to pay. I was sooooooo tired and hungry I couldn't think anymore and just grab the one that Lilian shower me. really KNS the parkson ppl. Darn freaking useless....dunno what kind of stupid management and organisation Parkson have??? Even if the items are not tagged, Lilian and Vincent always write a cash memo...they can write down from the price the list la........when I was waiting, I saw the little boys cashiers came running back to Lilian and said the tag cannot be scanned. so why placed so much importance on the STUPID TAGS????

    wasting our precious times to go for dinner and hang out and shopping hor...?? Then finally when some of the things came out....there were soooooo blah.....
    Sigh.....I'm still very angry!

    All ur complaints in your chatbox is sooooo true!! I'm supporting everything you claimed!!

    I want the Gift of Glamour too:((

    Btw, yea, never trust anything what they say!!!! yesterday I went to Stila Parkson Pavilion, KNS!! They were quite a number of stuff.....but they just simply told me....all they have were already displayed. But when the Temp. salesgirl opened their drawers. WOW!!!!! I saw so many e/s pans single in so mnay nice colours left.....and I saw 1 convertible eye color in Indigo, which was sooooo new. 2008/05. Very difficult to find such new stuff anymore... Of course, I bought the last one lor....

    They always tell you what's on display are what they have's BULLSH*T!! You need to observe them when they open their drawers.....there's still lotsa and loads of nice stuff!!!

    Btw, Pavilion still got smudge pots single in Jade and Brown. I saw yesterday.

  5. Miu dear......why la....u show the pix of ur pouch....sob sob....... my pouch, my pouch....sob beloved pouch....:~~~(((

  6. Ooohhhh.....and happy with your Belles of the Ball??? Keep both properly yea......very precious........very precious u know...very precious.....guard them carefully.....

    I wanted 2 for myself....but I know you are a greater Stila fan than me.... ;)

  7. babe, i want the pouch and the diary!
    how much is the diary anyways?
    if you come across them, buy one each for me can?mmm, is you sell to me, is there any service charge & hw much?

    just curious :P

  8. Hi Miu,

    i went to Stila BU yesterday and manage to get some Stila eye palette and oso DARLING long wear lip happy..muhahahahaha...
    and yes...i totally agree with u .ONE U really did a good job with their events and etc...i got my OPI nail colour (i m loyal one card member :p) and parkson voucher as well! (even without bonuslink card...unlike KLCC parkson...noting benefits me =.=)

    really nice to meet you n harim and hop tat v can meet up one day very soon..

    have a nice weekend!


  9. Miu,how come u managed to grab so many gorgeous,limited edition palettes??!!! Grrr so jeles la of u, always got d good deals.

    Why dun they jus hav a major warehouse sale? Then they wont end up pissing all d customers(including me!) by wasting our time going n waiting @ malls for hours.

  10. aarghhh.. i want that belle of the ball!!!!! =(

    mana lagi ada jual?? iskkk =(

  11. Hey Miu...I have never tried Stila but seeing all ur post on ur Stila Haul made me a lil tempted to get Stila myself. Is the tinted moisturizer n Kitten Lip Gloss good???

    Btw, do u know when's the next restock? I'm having my finals now so could really go BU to checkout.

  12. hi miu,
    managed to get the stila can..all 3 of themat so happy..lalalala...

  13. OMG Vonvon's comment is SO long! wow... :) wahlauyeh did lilian paid/give you special special super special discount for helping them out? ;) Lol, i know it's not about money. still got THAT lotsa stocks to be cleared ar? should i go and check it out too? i think you have turned me into a minor stila fans. yes, haven't turn into a huge one yet. Lol...

    P/S: lol, miuuuu did you know what's my word verification for today? it's CHILL hahahaa...


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