Goodbye Stila KLCC & BU

I have receive information from Stila Fans that Gardens Stila counter is still opened. Lilian & Vincent, SAs from Stila KLCC yesterday told me that everything will be transfered to Stila Pavilion which will go on until near end of the month before closing down permanently. Apparently if you still haven't get anything nice, u can still find some nice stuffs like perfumes at Stila Pavilion as mentioned by Harim. Chris Chan was at Gardens Stila yesterday & she bought brush no.15 from there! FYI brush no.15 is the eyeshadow brush, a must have for eyeshadows :)

Over & Out



  1. hi miu!

    around 3 weeks ago i want to buy some of stila product such as make up case but the salesgirl said no more sales! i tot there wud be no more stila sale! emo tol i! =( diorg yg tammo jual @ they want to keep all the stock to themselves? happens at gardens stila counter. d presentative also very2 sombong! i ask them which is suitable for me as im new to make up things and they just ignored! maybe im selekeh dat time coz just got back from sites. =P now im only waiting for MAC clearance sale! ;)

  2. pavillion? so far :( esp for those with no car like me

  3. hey, anngel.. i'm new to makeup too.. especially MAC. i'm a new addict.. haha.. can u tell me more bout the MAC clearance sale? what can i expect out of it?

  4. yeh..s/a pavilion told me that the other day, but i decided not to believe cause im like u lah.."why pavilion??"

  5. wow, Stila Pavillion? good news for me..coz am working just beside very excited. Thanks Miu for the news...then i can stock up for more Stila goods :)

  6. ^any idea when is the MAC clearance sale?


  7. ya. i face the same problem too. the BA seems like dun wan to sell me any stila product though there got a lot stock. but luckily im able to get the convertible eye colour at one utama stila counter. hope i can get the powder foundation too. haih....

  8. What's wrong with Stila Pavillion? Too far for you?

  9. yap too far :(

    klcc already far.. now pav! hmm i dread the traffic there n it's harder to get taxis.

  10. for me it's not far..i can just walk from my office to pavi..but its's just, why pavi?

    like klcc is better place what..easier for you guys yang live far to go there..lots of public transport etc.if klcc, i can just check out during my lunch time, after offic hour...whenever i want.

    yes, taxi will be no meter one cause it's in the jam area.

  11. ~ about mac stuffz, i also dunno when they will have the clearance sale. was waiting for it too! :) perhaps miu will give some info when she heard any news from it! =) for the things, as im newbie for makeup, i will only wish that i cud get the make up pallete that has the basic colors which mac are very famous for their variety of colors and their brushes too! =) ~

  12. *high fives Suziana*

    Yeah PavilionKL rocks! Too bad I'm on stila-shopping ban. Sigh~~

    Maybe, just maybe, this time around they move the stocks to Pavilion coz the space n counter are bigger compared to Parkson KLCC(yawns~) Plus Pavilion has been ho-hum compared to other Stila counters.

    them for not being filthy rich. If only money grew on trees. (my only wish that has never came true, ;p)

  13. hey there miu,

    i think i saw you last week at Stila KLCC. I think that was u. if not, i guess i got a wrong person then. hehehe...

    my work place is soo near to pav. i might be checking that place out everyday. ;p

  14. the end this sales never end .....pav far, jam , exp parking no way going ......gazillions reason for not going pav n buy......unless got something to do or pass by =.=""

    no brain put it there or purposely so we cant buy wakakakaka...

    tutu J

  15. Jenny Luvs KittenJune 2, 2009 at 9:35 PM

    I love Stila KLCC and Gardens, met so many nice ppl there :)

  16. i included in your so nice ppl list??
    we met at klcc..ngeeeeeee


    you are one sweet girl too jenny, screaming when we gave you the metalic e/s colour..LOL

  17. You are one of the nice ppl whom I had the pleasure meeting :) It was fun grabbing stuffs with u gals! I want to do this again! Thanks for handing me the metallic e/s, I can't live without them! Hehhehehe :P


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