Last Day at Anna Sui Warehouse Sales

Anna Sui 2nd day haul

After Bobbi Brown workshop (which was organized by Von Von fyi!) we went to Zang Toi for lunch with Hanna. After some gossip & girl talk, we rushed to catch the Anna Sui Warehouse Sales at Subang Jaya before it closes. Von drove while I guided her to the 3k Complex. We did not get lost! kakakkaka. My day has already been schedule and I had no appointments with anyone else but Von :)

This time around I did not hesistate to grab more variety of nail polish colors. Hey one must be adventurous right? Wing said to me yesterday that variety is better than quantity! I do agree with her coz when I like something, I'll buy like a whole load of it. At the end of the day, compare to Wing's haul it seem mine was pretty pathetic! haha.

For rm10 per nail polish, I grabbed whatever I like after being demonstrated by the lady somehow become a totally new person (a lot of customers complained about her). Von said if she didn't read, she would think this lady has great customer service!

decided to buy Anna Sui Nail Art sticker just to experiment
only rm5!!!

one of the many reasons why I bough the lip gloss
(fascinating 2 layer gloss with shimmer n stuffs inside)

bought this for Xana, I think it's dull rose color right?

also bought for her Hair Brush as birthday present!
(won't give her if she already has one.. ahha)

original price rm144, now only rm50!

This hair brush is very soft and it tamed my frizzy hair. I have a huge problem with static hair flying all over my head. I am quite happy with my hair brush purchase. I had wanted to get one from Acca Kappa after being recomended by Doroshi, but it was too expensive. Since Anna Sui Hair Brush is now rm50, I didn't hesistate to grab one for myself!

Hair Brush is a hot item in this sale, the first day it was sold out, and today it was restocked again. Most cosmetic items sold out. Most colors for blush sold out. Eyeshadow, lip gloss, nail polish plenty. Loose Face Powder still got and it's the limited edition one! There is no sets or collectibles. I don't see any pouch or make up case being sold at this point but the boxes hosting them are gone and empty.

For now Did u know about this?
I wonder what would happen after muslim shoppers who bought these Hair Brushes finds out that it's made of 100% black pig bristles? I only got my source from googling Anna Sui Hair Brush out. Though I am not 100% sure if this is TRUE. I mean this is quite sensitive, this warehouse sale could not be so inconsiderate of the muslim shoppers here right?

Anna Sui Hair Brush is made of 100% Black Pig Bristles

but there's no description of that on the box

Anna Sui Hair Brush

The perfect accessory to create the ultimate 'do! Designed in the exact image of the mirror motif found in Anna Sui's showroom in New York City, this ultra fashionable brush is made with 100% natural black pig bristles to help fight static electricity and add shine to your hair. The twin layered construction and round-point nylon bristles stimulate the scalp for smooth, even brush strokes.

source: click on the links to read description of this hair brush & what it's made of.


  1. OMG bulu b*b*!!!! LOL sorry but I was in utter shock when I read that description! Are the descriptions stated clearly at the secondary packaging? Gosh they need to be sensitive lar about things like this, esp in a muslim-country like Malaysia.

    PS- random brush fact here; all BOBBI BROWN brushes are made of goat's bristles. =)

  2. Hanna: yes I do agree with u.. it's so shocking to know that they can sell this without notice/warning at this sale!!! must be sensitive right!!!

    there are many muslim shoppers!!! n i saw them buy the hair brush!!!

  3. luckily i didn't buy it...i wouldn't know till you mention it...too bad for muslim anna sui fan... T-T

  4. Indeed, and VERY inconsiderate! Plus they didnt even bothered to put a warning note whatsoever? OMG this is too much!

    Miu, may I know how and to whom I should complaint about this matter? Well since I'm not really doing anything much these days.

    Just a friendly reminder to all Muslim readers out there; next time always ask and read the ingredients first before buying brushes, any brushes for that matter.

    "Adalah menjadi kewajipan bagi setiap umat Islam untuk memilih yang halal." Or something like that, huhu I forgot!

  5. i think there's a muslim consumer group around.. or something like that.. where they check for halal or non halal stuffs? urm...

    i wonder if products/cosmetics consider halal or not?

    sorry i am not very versed about halal stuffs

    there's the consumer ministry and Malay Mail Hotline where consumers can complaint.

    u can also go directly to the distributor/company of Anna Sui which is Cosmopolitan Cosmetics Pte Ltd
    Level 3A-03, Uptown 3,
    Damansara Uptown,
    3, JLN SS 21/39,
    47400 PJ.

    Tel: 77278026 fax 77273027

  6. Wow, Miu! I really feel so honored and happy that you spent your whole Saturday with me...:)

    I hope you had a good time at BB. I am so happy to attend workshops with you and get to meet some of my readers. It's nice going to the Anna Sui warehouse sale with you. Thanks for navigating.

    And yea, about the rude staff. It's good that when people received complaints, they can accept it and immediately change for the better. Not like some unrepentant ones who keep on coming back to harass the people who lodge complaint against them.

  7. dam! ur nail collections are so nice compare to mine!!!
    i so jealous now..hahaha....

  8. Opps yeah la how come I forgot about JAKIM whanot? LOL ignorant HaNNa. Thanks Miu. I'll try to do something about it.


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