Since I quit swap-bot, I shall organized a swap-project in my blog & swap with bloggers in Malaysia instead! (hahahaha *evil laughter*). I'm thinking of something that won't make u lose money & at least if someone cheats you, you don't have to cry about it and can blog and destroy the person!


Open to all residents in Malaysia with a blog. Newbies are welcome but must set up a blog to participate. This will encourage people to start blogging and have fun while doing that. This also creates a network among bloggers and open up your blog to more readers. SO you're not losing out in joining this swap people! Only 5 bloggers are required for my swap! so sign up fast!

5 bloggers who wished to participate this swap project will be selected to send 2 beauty samples to each of the 4 bloggers for review. The beauty samples can be anything from skincare, bodycare, cosmetics. Samples can be in sachets, trial or starter kits, etc that you have gotten FREE from magazines/counters/etc. Please do not send something that you paid for!
You are given given 7 working days to post your swaps. When you have received your swaps, you must blog and review the samples sent to you by each blogger. Include their names & blog links in your review and do thank them for swapping and highlight in your blog if they have made the swap special*!
U MUST TAKE PICTURES of the swaps sent to you. If not your post will be BORING hello!
*as in did they made the package cute/beautiful/creative/cool? instead of just sticking it into an envelope & sent it off to you.
The 5 Bloggers Selected:
- Miu from Plus Size Kitten
- Von Von from Vonvon's Interests
- Mei Wah from Blog Indulgence!
- Chris from Confessions Of A Shopacholic
- Hanna from Life's little randomness
Please EMAIL me your Mailing Address, Name & Contact! I will then group it up n forward to everyone! This SWAP is now FULL. You may begin preparing your samples for everyone & post to them using Normal Post/A.Registered/Pos Express/Pos Laju. Please notify when u have posted in this blog post so that we can keep track of it.
Monday - DAY 1
Important Notice: Leave your comments in here for your face type (combi/dry/oil/etc) and any allergies. If you don't, then it's up to the sender.
I'm interested in this, i think it'll be fun...!!! I love to try new stuff and i have tons of samples... :)
ReplyDeleteI'm in! Since MUA is a tad...0_0 to newbies like me.(read:stuck up) Plus I dont have to worry about expensive international shipping. Hehee!
ReplyDeleteI have combination skin.
ReplyDeleteAllergy so far no....though with certain drugstore brand face mask/eye mask, I may develop some itch.
I've oily skin, easy to breakouts... Allergy i dun think so, just not too fragrant stuff i think is fine for me, body products then anything also can...
ReplyDeleteCombination to oily: Dry on cheeks & oily on forehead, nose and chin.
ReplyDeleteAcne-prone! Pimples visit me on a weekly basis. In fact so frequent I wonder who my real friends are.
My complexion is dark. (dunno bout the NC thingy, sorry)
This gonna be FUN!!! :) Very excited...
ReplyDeleteI got dry combination skin: dry on cheeks, very oily on the t-zone.
No allergies or whatsoever. :D
My cheeks area is dry n sensitive. Easily red. Some products might sting. My T zone is oily. Overal I think it's combi dry.
ReplyDeleteI am fine with anything, to experiment what products works well/or not with my face skin.
U can send me shower gels/shampoos as well.
Can I have a lil request here? =P Since I'm acne-prone, I'd really appreciate it if my swap buddies do not send facial skincare samples to me. I'll breakout whenever I try on new skincare products. However, I LOVE body products like hand lotion/foot lotion! =D
ReplyDeleteProducts im OK with:
FACE: skincare & makeups for eyes/lips/cheeks(e.g:blusher)
Products that HATE me:
-Cream-based facial products.
-Acne-macne gels whatsoever.
That's all. thanks!
got it :)
ReplyDeleteI'd posted them this morning, let me know once you all got it ya... :)
ReplyDeleteI got the samples from Hanna and Chris. Thanks, Hanna and Chris! And I have sent out all the samples on Monday.
ReplyDeleteSorry for not able to update the SWAP post in my blog. Didn't have the time to sit long enough at my computer to do anything to my blog yet.
As of today, I've received samples from Miu, Chris and Von. Thanks girls! Mei Wah, we are waiting from you~ hehee...
ReplyDeleteDont worry Von, I even havent blogged about it yet! Yikes there's always something else to do...
ReplyDeleteI need some advice
I'm Looking to buy [url=][b]TV Stands[/b][/url] or TV [url=][b]Wall Units[/b][/url] For a loft I'mclosing on.
Can you folksgive me a good recommendation of where is the topdeal on these? I live in Miami and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:
[url=][img]  [/img][/url]