Female Mag July Issue is OUT!

Today I grabbed the latest issue of Female Mag which is already out in major bookstores & newstand! (I already had Cleo, Seventeen, Women's Weekly, InTrend, Marie Claire July issues! yay all of them out!!). After flipping through Female Mag, I saw their report on the Clarin's Pure Pampering Workshop held in January! (now July already). I can spot myself in there! especially enjoying the facial hehe in one of the pictures! Can u spot me anywhere on the page? Let me know!

Can you spot where Miu is?


  1. Miu is in the black shirt... ngee

  2. YES!!! I can see u!!! Lady in black! ;p

  3. hahaha.. ya.. black shirt.. wah must add black beauty also ah

  4. yeah 2 pics first and last one wear black one lor.....first one see back of ur black shirt n pink/peach bag
    last one look like serious listening sit at front hahahaha

    tutu j

  5. the second pic face cover by mask also u ar? hahaha...kenot see face

    tutu j

  6. hahha yes that's me too!!!

    actually there is more pics!

    tips: how to be glamour fast.. make sure alwiz sit infront and stalk the photographer?! (no la no la... lol.. i didn't do that..)

  7. Miu2, u famous already, wink2...
    my pic very2 small only, hehehhe =P


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