Birthday & Christmas Presents!

today I received 2 presents from Angela!!!
(one for me, one for buaya wing which she calls pigeon wing)

I was supposed to meet Angela (my big supporter) this morning at MidValley as she was on "prison-break" with her cousins. Unfortunately, Angela could not come because her grandma had a fall & was rushed to the hospital so Angela's Cousin (Lim) met me instead. We chatted for a while and Angela's Cousin describe how pretty Angela is (oh la la). Angela glad to hear that your grandma is alright now (with slight fracture) don't feel bad & don't be sad. Thanks for the amazing gifts! I am so so so HAPPY and truly blessed to have you stalking my blog! Pigeon Wing also very happy & suprised! she asked me to blog faster & to thank you on her behalf.

my christmas & birthday presents from Angela
(she asked her friend to buy from AMERICA!)

a Shinzi Katoh bag from Japan!!! SO CUTE!!!
(i never have someone give me present from japan!)

the Stila Barbie Jewel that I have been leeming for!!!
(inside mascara, lip gloss & Barbie e/s palette)

OMG AND THE ALL AMAZING 24carats Stila lip gloss
(I was so sad Stila Malaysia closed down & can't get it!)

OMGG!!! I have already used the 24Carat Stila Lip Gloss! it's so shimmering!!! and has gold bits inside!!! (the packaging states that gold is a known antioxidant and has anti-microbial properties). I'm falling in love all over again. This is the second Barbie Stila Birthday Present I got from my stalkers! (first Barbie Stila sexymummy bought from USA) Tonight I can't sleep anymore thinking about my Barbie Stilas. Best Christmas & Birthday gifts so far!!! T_T sob sob *cries*


  1. wah wah, the lipgloss is such a gorgeous color and the bindi on the cap is such a nice touch!!!

    show show the e/s palette pls.

    Really crossing my fingers and toes for Angela's grandma to get well fast - angela take care k.

  2. The Shinzi Katoh bag is super cute!! Lurv the designs..

  3. love u Angela...tx for the xmas pressie :) (actually u r not d 1st on who gave me cutlery set)..i guess everyone know tat i M SUCH A GLUTTONY GAL..muahahahahaa

  4. wahhhhhh nice pressie from 'angelababy' kekekekeke... angela wheres mine??? (just joking)..hope anglea's grandma get well soon

  5. @ Miu and Pigita, thanks so much for everything and your utmost concern on my beloved grandmother, she needs more rest and will not be left alone with Kakak anymore

    @ Wing, I am also a gluttony! LOL I relieved that you like your pressie. But is this your first Shinzi Katoh?

    @ LisaG, I am not a baby anymore LOLL Thanks for your concern also

    Angela ^_^

  6. Angela baby - yes...tis is my 1st Shinzi Katoh T_T...

  7. syg, hold ur breath !! the lip enamel & another barbie 1959 2 ur collection soon !! nice leh. i wanted 2 get 4 miu this barbie jewel but cant as i could only place my order in sept & by then this set is gone. anyway, i'm glad u r able to get this one for miu !! wishing ur grandma, get well soon.


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