Singapore Day 2 : TimeOut Singapore

On our last night in Singapore, I attended the TimeOut Singapore "Time Out Gets Cointreauversial" event at StereoLab (at the same hotel as NuffNang's event!) thanks to Xana who invited me over. Me, Buaya Wing were shopping whole day at Orchard Road! tired but still adventurous, we still makeup & go! muahahaha... lots of camwhore pics! be prepared to see the Wild Kitty side of me!

"The "Be Cointreauversial" movement now thriving in New York, London and Tokyo, and is landing in Singapore!"
What: Night of Mayhem
Start Time: Tomorrow, October 24 at 10:30pm
End Time: Sunday, October 25 at 4:00am

this is what the event's all about

we get 3 complimentary drinks with coupons!

the drinks were sweet, I kinda like it!

Truth be told, I don't drink and I can't drink much too, due to a bad experience I had (in Australia drinking just beers all night and back in Malaysia by just drinking lemon vodka all night). In these pics you probably see me & wing like drunk ******* but actually we're not drunk at all! U can't go to a club & take boring pics am I right? so the trick is to put on "drunk makeup" & take lotsa camwhore pics of you & friends drinking.

thanks TimeOut Singapore for inviting us!

this is Xana, my friend in Singapore

Buaya Wing & Teck
(they met during training years ago! now Teck works in SG)

how to take a club camwhore pic?
pose a lot with the drinks!!!

hey we look drunk here but actually
that's our "drunk makeup" look lol

Aiyah? not so wild actually. Just lotsa camwhore pictures of us having fun at StereoLab Singapore. Does this post look like those disco disco clubber's pic from Club/Entertaiment Magazines? (Klue/Juice/TimeOut?) lol. Since we had to check out early tomorrow, me, wing & teck head back after midnight (Xana was bummed! sorry babe maybe next time we can disco disco more). Thanks for inviting me, u made my last night in Singapore complete!


  1. Ooooh, the cointreau makes kitties sexy!!

    Drink more and often :-)

  2. luv the pics, wow like you rosy cheek

  3. wow! who's say plus size lady cannot be beautiful?
    Miu, you look great!!!! nice makeup :clean and look healthy pink face,sexy eyes.with the red outfit,u suit curl hair style .
    i like your second picture.

  4. Miu n wing,

    Both of u looked like getting drunk in the last picture...

  5. miu dearie..u look so hot in these pics...should keep your hairstyle like this and no more spectacles teeheee

  6. you didn't meet up with your indonesia stilla fan who i thought also stayed in singapore?

  7. uncle frog: nah she lives in Indonesia. She was at SG for holiday to see bf only.

  8. Moon: yes U R SO RIGHT! who says PLUS SIZE cannot be beautiful n enjoy?!

    thanks thanks my second pic? wah look really nice actually..

    what i had on was:

    RMK Liquid Foundation
    Stila Convertible eye liner in stone
    Anna Sui Lipstick
    and falsies

  9. Lisa: thanks Lisa dearie! i already perm my hair T_T and that night i took off my specs sob sob..

  10. U look drunk in the last pic but still maintain cute. Hehe.

  11. hey miu want to ask your rosy cheek is real one or makeup one? lol.. I don't know how to know which is real/makeup

  12. reena: wah.. ur statement struct jackpot..

  13. Sherry: lol real one.. my cheeks are naturally rossy.. when hot/nervous/shy.

  14. Pigita: Now that I know u like to drink, u should pair up with Doroshi go FOYA FOYA AT NIGHT!

  15. Miu

    cannot la, Doroshi drink sissie stuff like white wine LOL

  16. Pigita: omg.. u call white wine sissy stuff? die lah me? i drink shandy only

  17. Shandy = baby stuff


    Hey, i thought i say someone drinking cointreau drinkies in some photos!! Fake ah? hehehe

  18. in disguise! hahaha

    FYI i dont drink anymore, now can talk tipu tipu only la - u kena kelintong already :-)

  19. LOL come on.. i hardly go party out at night oh.. let me have fun n sexy a bit? sob sob.. but like no guys also in this club cheh.. =_= where are all the handsome guys in singapore?!


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