Results of Trick of Treat Contest!

The CONTEST results are out!

The results of the Trick of Treat contest is out! Thank you all for joining this contest :) Unfortunately there's only 1 winner for this contest and there are over 60 entries. I use the randomizer to generate the winner out from the names I inserted in. If you don't win a prize don't be sad! more contests in December :D and as my follower you can also go to parties & events! SO DON'T GIVE UP and thank you for supporting my blog.

the lucky winner is drawn from

and the 1st name goes to...
(there's more than 28 entries btw, i have to cropped this image)

Congratulations to Mrs.K
for winning the H20 Beach Set worth RM99!

*please email me your full & correct address, name & contact. prize will be deliver within 2-3 weeks time-


  1. congrats winner, oh yeah.. your previous contest I won not get the prize yet.

  2. don't worry sherry, i gona post out this week. Very busy with projects no time to wrap the prizes up

  3. Waaa... i landed in no.28??? Huwaaaaaaaa *sobs* :P

    Congrats anywayz, Mrs K...

  4. lol dun sad.. no.28 in chinese is

    fast rich u know.. it's a good number :)

  5. yay can't wait to get it..

    aiya your header change again? or is it auto change? love the previous one :D

  6. congrats!!!
    hu huuuuuuuuuuu putehhhhhh mata i....hihiihi


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