Good Skin Labs Workshop BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND

Good morning everyone!

We just had a fabulous GoodSkin Labs workshop with some HELLO! readers on 31 Oct 2009, and if you were there, lookout for HELLO! December (on sale on 18 Nov 09) for your picture in the magazine! But you missed it, here's another opportunity to treat yourself to the Instant Results of GoodSkin Labs.
Back by popular demand, HELLO! Malaysia brings you anotherGoodSkin Labs workshop, where you get to See Results Instantly!

You may have seen GoodSkin Labs' products, or even heard that it promises INSTANT rewards and LONG-TERM benefits for your skin. But really, don't take our word for it, sign up for this exclusive workshop and see it for yourself!

If seeing is believing, this is your chance to See Results Instantly!

Date: 12 December 2009 (Saturday)

Session 1: 11.00am - 1.00pm
Session 2: 2.30pm - 4.30pm

GoodSkin Labs Training Room,
Suria Meriang Sdn Bhd,
Level 18, Centrepoint South,
The Boulevard, Mid Valley City.

Admission: Free (only by registration)
All participants will get:
  • a makeup touch-up after the face demo
  • a door gift and voucherredemption worth RM 150
Refreshments will be served.
To register, call us at 03-2092 2033 between 9am to 5pm from Mondays to Fridays and tell us which session you are interested in.
Places are limited, and will be allocated on a first-come first-serve basis.


  1. Hai Miu~~
    I've registered for that workshop..=)
    i love workshooppppppp~~~~~


  2. wah shida.. u sound very happy indeed :) i love workshops too!

    i sign up for this one already :)

    it's goin to be my 1st good labs workshop. I din attend yet lol..

  3. Miu, Sora here.. Still remember me? The one who gave you the flowers at TTDI :o)
    I signed up as well!! but I'm all alone.. I guess I'll stick around you and your friend.. hehehhehe

  4. I registered for the afternoon session cox I afraid I can't awake like the last time (MAC workshop)

  5. hello too already registered. see you'll there!

  6. Oh I envy you ladies! It sound like so much fun to intend those workshops.

  7. Oh oh, I'll register tomorrow :) Hopefully I get in :)

  8. I have registered too... hope to see u there!

  9. Hi Sora! yes i remember u! long time no see what happen! T___T x suka saya lagi ka? sob sob.. give me flowers n left me behind sob sob..

    sure let's do session 1 together.. did i mention i be in the session 1?

    catch them early :) so they more energy..

  10. Jean: wei.. u wasted your tri-color lipgloss from mac! that's the goodie gift..

  11. Elle Ash: babe! r u sure over your side there's no workshops!!! u gotta seriously come down KL and go to workshops as "holiday" trip... lol..

  12. Hi Miu,

    Would like to attend session 2 on 12 Dec 2009.

    I can be contacted at


  13. I'm in same session with you la.. I mau jadi parasit ikut you sana sini :P first time attending workshop :( scared..
    Eh eh.. i still suka sama you.. tapi i quite quite only :P hehehehhe

  14. miu, i registered morning session (11am-1pm) . u?

  15. Dear Linda, u gotta call Hello Magazine to register. I'm just helping to blog about it only :(

  16. ally: yeah me too :) session 1 morning!! see u there babe!

  17. sora... the way u say it make me almost fall down my chair! apa parasit parasit?! sama sama kawan! enjoy sama sama ok? jgn takut..workshop is to learn n have fun..

    itu workshop orang lagi takut u noe..

  18. la..I did go to MAC workshop but I was late, din get to eat the breakfast lerr...>.<
    Got the lip gloss anyway~^^

  19. Hi Miu!I just went to the workshop last Sat. Quite interesting. I ady put review in my blog ;) Feel free to visit Enjoy ur workshop gals :)

  20. Oops... i registered for the 2nd session, coz working on saturday :<


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