Nippon Paint Room Makeover Workshop!

Nippon Paint Workshop

About early this month (3rd Oct, 09) I attended a workshop organized by Nippon Paint at the Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre. I was excited because I am finally going to get my dream bedroom makeover by learning how to paint my walls using the right colors, themes from Nippon Paint. YES GOODBYE WHITE BEDROOM WALLS! SAYONARA! Hello dream room!

wow what pretty colors!!!

The workshop room was filled with big white boards when I walked in. It reminds me of my Art Room in School where I used to just play and have fun. In the middle of the room, a long table full of colorful Nippon Paint products and painting tools smile at everyone who entered. I sat with Pink Stilettos and KampungBoyCityGal blogger (so honored to be sitting with the top bloggers from Malaysia!). We were all excited to begin our journey to getting our dream rooms.

Nippon Paint Speaker - Ms. Glady's Goh

“Good Morning!” Ms. Glady’s Goh (Assistant General Manager - Marketing, Nippon “Paint) greeted us. She introduced herself and the highlights of the workshop which was to learn about colors (basics, schemes, functionality, etc), how to paint the right way and what not do! The workshop started with a video presentation of Nippon Paint’s latest TV commercial “Your World, Your Color” where Blobbys (cute animated paint creatures) jump out to color your life! Everyone loved the video. The Blobbys are so cute and fun. They make painting seem so effortless. Wish I had Blobbys to paint my room haha.

She explains the types of paint available and their functions. I learned that in every part of the house, there are different types of paint available for exterior, interior and for wood and metal. Each type serving a solution that works beautifully in every part of your house. To get started, we would need to prepare the necessary tools (masking tape, sandpaper, covers, fillers & scraper), the painting tools (brushes, rollers, extension pole, paint trays, ladder, comfortable clothes, and protective gear) and the cleaning tools. Then we must prepare the walls for painting (cover up holes, cracks, dimples, rough spots, scrape loose paints) before painting. Glady’s taught us the basics of painting – to start with difficult areas first and to always follow the same painting direction (up-down or left-right) to avoid lumpy/inconsistency in paint color of the wall.

If you have no starting point then consider...

There were slides being shown in the workshop, it made understanding easier and fun. If you have no STARTING POINT, then consider – size, mood (romantic, etc), location, function, color temperatures (warm/cool), brightness or lightness. I was pondering on how to start repainting my room with these tips. Gladys went on to explain the right color schemes that we should use for painting our walls. How to choose color schemes? I learn that you can follow either one of the four scheme templates for painting our walls with:

• Monochromatic
Single color in combination with any or all its hues tints and shades. Ideal to create a cozy, relaxing, and soothing ambience.

• Adjacent/analogous
uses any shade/tint/tone of colors within 90degrees on the hell. Used to create a harmonious and subtle effect that is pleasing to the eyes.

• Complementary
uses colors that are directly opposite on the color wheel. When used together, evoke a contrasting combination of warmth and cool.

• Triadic
uses combination of three colors that form a triangle in the color wheel. These colors intensify one another and create a lively and vibrant theme (e.g like kindergarden).

what's your favorite color?

My favorite part was to learn about the colors and moods that it brings out. The most interesting was to know about the color of pink (my favorite color). Its positive side was love and femininity while too the negative side of pink is inhibition, emotional. Very interesting subject here!

creative wall painting is the bomb now!

The best part of the workshop was to learn how to unleash our artistic side using quick and easy D-I-Y wall art tips for sprucing up our walls! I did not know that masking tapes can be so easy to use for creating a quick wall art! U can make flowers to shapes to even drawing a table out with masking tape to spruce up the wall. More information about painting can be found from Nippon Paint’s website (click here).

Before the workshop come to an end, Ms. Glady’s showed us what the colored boards in the room were for. I knew it; we are all going to try our hand at painting and wall art! I guess learning is not complete without getting hands on too! The workshop participants went crazy, unleashing their creativity using the painting tools provided by Nippon Paint. Masking tapes, sponges, brushes and even old CDs can be used to decorate our boards (mini wall).

Painting is fun and easy with Nippon Paint!

See what the bloggers did with Nippon Paint
guess which is my "art work"?

Here’s my “masterpiece” what do you think of it? I learned that painting is not just about coloring the walls with a paint brush and a bucket of paint. Painting can be creative and fun once you get to know how easy it is! Now that I learned some painting basics and quick and easy wall art tips, I can’t wait to revamp my room with it! Stay tune next month and try to guess the color that I would choose to repaint my bedroom walls and the wall art that I would try on it!

tadaaah!!! my masterpiece!!! muahahahah...

(I had to rushed off to attend Breast Cancer event after this! so no group pic for me sob sob)

next update- putting theory to test!

what is my next step? what colors will I choose? do u think u can do this too? have u done it before? share with me! Will my boyfriend kill me for painting the walls ______ [insert color here].


  1. waaaa.

    so can hire you to be consultant for our new home la kan... so you can advise on ways to paint our rooms.

    if cannot hire pun, at least teach me oso la babe!!! so i can do it myself! heheheh.

    good job!

  2. hahah i can i can.. np belanja minum lah!!! my next update u will have some tips to learn how to DIY too!!!

  3. creative la you your masterpiece so much..lots of it

  4. wow you can be interior designer :)

    love the colour and heart.

  5. hi Miu,

    so nice that you attended the workshop... can learn how to paint our house with colorful nippon paint!!! share with us more so that i can learn from you how to color my "future house"... hehe

  6. Asu: hahaha! u like hearts ah!! thanks babe.. i wanan show my love so paint heart flowers lol.. u pun boleh buat!!! :D

    sherry: woah cannot lah.. not yet..professional.. must go to more workshops and painting classes kua.. u can do butterfly n heart for baby room also :D

  7. sheau wen:

    u wait my next update!!! (end of this month) i makeover my room liao n got tips how to do art deco XD

    if u free u can check out nippon paint website, got cool tips how to color ur house n they got this service that u send pics in, they will choose color for u!!!

  8. sounds like a great w/shop!!

    Get to learn so many things.

  9. Miu, mind to share what colour is ur bedroom??? ur can be interior designer liau..

  10. my next post will show :D now it's mystery!!

    my old wall color is white.. now it has been makeover liao..

    i use 2 colors + 1 creative wall painting.

    this is mystery until i post the 2nd update!!! hehehe..

  11. Good workshop and good post! Any idea when will be the next workshop ar? Can reply to my chat box if you know about it? Thanks! ^^

  12. Hi Miu!
    Nice painting :)
    Hope u still remember me... haha ;)

  13. miu,

    if guess correct room wall colour, got prize is it?? LOL

  14. This looks fun! I'm guessing your new wall colour will be pink.. ;p

  15. Miu... i think the workshop was great because you are the best learner and you like their Secretary record down every single things, and I love your paint... can give it to me ah? haha:)

  16. Uli: thanks babe :) the next workhop am not sure :( u lookin to makeover your room?

  17. Hi Christine! yes i remember u lah!!! u the food blogger with CityGal Wei Wei :D i saw ur nuffnang post, woo fulamak so many pics with the celebs leh!!!! jeles jeles

  18. Pigita: lol...... u sponsor right!!

  19. Poshies: woah.. u r too kind with words. I try my best to learn so I can makeover my room nice nice. Actually i din write everything down in my post coz too many info :( my next post u will get to see how i do it.. haha..

    wah u mean my heart shape painting? Nippon Paint keeping it..

  20. waaaa....can hire you to design for my apt lor....FOC can ar ..hehehe :p :p

  21. don't have to guess, it will be pink.

    and i starts worrying for boiboi liao. sleeping surrounded with pink, nightmares ahoy!!!

  22. sexymummy: lol.........can can!! but dun tembak me if wrong!!!

  23. uncle frog: hehehe.. we will see next update ok??? :D woah.. he already complaining like mad when i started makeover the walls..


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