Hammam Spas Bangsar Review

finally I am going to Hammam!

Finally! I visited the spa place that I have been talking about ever since my friend Xana spoke to their manager 2 years back. What kinda spa is this?! that would occupied my thoughts whenever I think of a unique spa place to go if I have the $$? It's none other than Hammam at Bangsar Village 2 Shopping Centre. What's Hammam you say? read my first post on it here! Hammam is the first traditional Moroccan version of the Turkish Bath in Asia. Hammam also means the spreader of warmth in Arabic and has it's roots in Ancient Greek bathroom culture.

my unique spa experience awaits behind these doors

the receptionist & waiting area

I have already researched on what I'd like to try at Hammam which is their signature Hammam, Gommage & Moorish Body Polish to complete my Hammam experienceThe menu is filled with cool "exotic" treatment names e.g Sultana's Daughter's Wedding Hammam, Imilchil Bride Radiance Recipe, Princess/Prince Hammam, and Sultana Hammam. I was really thrilled when the lady said I should try the "My Favorite Concubine Hammam" treatment. It's a two hour long pampering session with 4 treatments in it! That's Hammam, Gommage, Moorish Body Polish and lastly a 45mins aromatic body massage to sweeten the deal. 

different types of oil for different needs

Signing up for My Favorite Concubine Hammam (I am no concubine but I am embracing the idea now since this is a luxurious spa session that I'm going for!) I was brought to the waiting room where the lady explains to me the different types of essential oils that I can choose for my treatment. I was delirious! choosing my own essential oils for my massage! 

I choose the most luxurious oil ever! huile sacre

Huile Sacre (oo-eel sak- ghei) or literally, sacred oil, the most expensive oil in this Hammam and which I have chosen for my aromatherapy massage. It's a blend of argan oil (the richest source of Vitamin E) and precious frankincense, myrh and sandalwood. The GM of Hammam, Adam Demnati said this oil will "warm your heart, lift the spirit, bless you with love and affection and shower you with prosperity".

this will be use in the Gommage session (scrub)

A Moroccan scrubbing mitt called a gome - this course mitt will effectively remove all your dead skin cells, and increase the circulation in your arms and legs, helping to reduce cellulite. A very handy glove!

Beldi Black Soap! smells medicinal/herbish

This is Beldi Black Soap! serious! use in your first session called Hammam (bath session) this soap is made from the kernel of the olive nut and has wonderful exfoliating properties. At this spa you can add Alum Crystals or Henna for an additional RM20 (to be use with black soap) for extra benefits.

Beldi Black Soap - a combo of olives, eucalyptus and henna, to remove dead skin cells and relax the muscles, is lathered onto your body in a warm traditional Turkish bath.

Alum Crystals - firm and youthful skin.

Henna - apparently for brides to be..? and i think she mention it's for brightening? hmm..weird..really? or i heard wrong.

omg this is beautiful

When I finally went in the Hammam Spa, I was blown out of my mind by the interior and dimly lit warm cosy area of this place. Behold tell me you're not impressed? I have never seen anything like this. This is the resting area of the Hammam, in between treatments guests are seated here to relax. They are given Moroccan rose tea to sip or warm water. Beautiful place, as I write again I am tempted to go back to Hammam to sit here and sip tea again.

i map out the place for you! 

the changing room is small

but high tech and you have a locker

Before I can start my treatment, I need to change into paper bra and panties provided by Hammam. They come together with the bath robe and paper slippers ready in the locker waiting. Using a magnetic waterproof wrist locker, guests just touch and open their locker with it. At this juncture, I am unable to snap any more photos as privacy is a big thing in (other guests will get angry if you snap their photo!) Hammam. I manage to capture a few photos because it is a special day with just me alone in this spa. 

the Moroccan inspired bathroom

1st treatment - Hammam (bath)

Well since i can't bring my camera into the hammam or gommage area, i shall now draw a stickman cartoon to show what's there ok? Hammam bath room is a small room with colorful tiles. In the middle is a nice pattern water bath pipe/tub. This place is like a steam room. The walls n tiled slabs is heated. You sit on it while the Moroccan lady rubs black soaps all over you (sometimes stand). My lady was named Zohor and she's really from Morocco! She'll ask if you want your boobs to be soaped as well (u paid good money for this..go ahead n soap your bits!). After, she'll ask u to lay down for 6 mins and she'll be back to bath you (everywhere). 

Caution: U cannot be shy/embarrassed in a Hammam. It's not a private area, so you might be sharing this bath room with other ladies. I estimate it can fit 4-5 only.

2nd treatment - Gommage (Body Scrub)

After Hammam, you'll be doing Gommage. I will now draw this to show how the gommage (scrubbing room is like). It's a tiny room area that's hot, warm, moist all at one go. There's two marble/cemented slabs in the room. It's where customers lie down there (see photo of me) & the Morrocan lady will come in to scrub u silly. You'll see a lot of your dead skins here! *shock*

p.s the "slabs" or mable bed is warm, and this place is kinda wet too.

This process takes about 15-20mins depending on how much dead skin u have. She'll scrub and scrub till you're smooth like a baby. You'll need to turn once one side is done. Also she'll scrub your boob area/back too.

FINE! this is how the bath area looks like okay? (hammam here!)

After Gommage you'll be back here to bath, so if you have Moorish Body Polish in your package, she'll start smoldering your body with Rhassoul (wonder clay, mined from deep within the Atlas Mountains, has a list of benefits as long as your arm) also known as volcanic clay. Very beneficiary unless u don't want rhassoul (u need to choose at the guest area outside the powders remember?). Ok she'll also smolder your boobs with it. Again 6mins lie down here & she'll be back again to splash water at you and also shampoo & condition your hair. This is really a Come Let Me Bath You spa.

my last treatment aromatic body massage (couple's room)

It really is my lucky day because I was escorted to the couple's massage room instead of the single ones. I smile sheepishly coz the couple's room is really really really beautiful! Take a look at the private bath place, the resting bed (where couple's can sip tea n rest here). The dimly but flowery lit lights above makes the place even more romantic. I slept like a baby, enjoying my massage here. You can choose either the relaxing massage type (Swedish type for relaxing) or the traditional type massage. The masseuse is local btw. She will use the essential oil that you select earlier in the waiting room here.

resting after my massage (sipping Moroccan Rose Tea!)

I highly recommend this place if you're looking to pamper yourself silly with Moroccan ladies bathing, scrubbing and smoldering you with volcanic mud (glowy skin for days!). It's a unique spa experience, one of its kind in Malaysia. Couples getting married will come for a one time session to get that baby smooth glow and relax before their big day. At least try it for one time like me if you can. However it's not for the shy ones as you might get your bits wash or expose. I give this place a thumbs up and I will come again if I can!

the treatment menu & prices

The prices! dont be shock, it's the only unique spa in KL (and Asia i think!) that's inspired like this. Well if u compare to luxury spas (in hotels n such) the prices are almost the same. For beginners, I have research already. It would be advisable to gather 5 friends/ppl to buy the My Favorite Concubine Hammam (2hrs) Package (RM1250). This treatment is recommended to newbies coz it has 4 treatments in it, 3 of them is the specialty of this place. When you buy the package instead of a one time session, the aromatic body massage which is 45mins will be upgraded to 60mins! Getting your friends to share with you, you'll be only paying RM250 for one session of an sensuous Hammam experience compare to paying a one time session of RM315 (saving RM65).

pretty pretty lights, bring me to Turkey please

P.S: I'm looking to buy a 2nd package (bought 1 earlier and friends filled up the slots). Anyone wants to share the 2nd package? I have 3 slots available! :) will be RM250 each slot per person. The treatments in this session/package would be:

Sorry two packages bought and already filled up! do inquire with Hammams as they have seasonal promotions like these (e.g Valentine's Special or Xmas Special for one time usage only).

1. Hammam (Bath)
2. Gommage (Body Scrub)
3. Moorish Body Polish (Volcanic mud body polish)
4. Aromatic Body Massage 45mins 60mins upgraded*

E-mail me tammylci@gmail.com if you're interested. Their packages are valid for a year btw!

Hammam Baths (www.hammambaths.com)
Lot 3F-7 & 3F-8, Bangsar Village II.
Tel: 03-22822180


  1. Sigh, you make me want to try. But shy! Eeks! Hehe...maybe when I am older.

  2. very tempting indeed! :) but it's the scrubbing process painful???


  3. Ya shy. So the scrub have to be completely naked too?

    You said boobs a lot in your post lol. I like the stickman diagrams!

  4. Sounds like a great place to pamper ourselves.

  5. Like ur review! Makes me wana go too, will do so when am not so poor. hehe

  6. wow! a brilliant write up!

    your description of the spa intrigues me but i'm not very much into spas so i'll stick to reading your stories on them..

    the illustration are damn cute! lol

  7. Saw this place before but never step in.. LOLz...By the way, i like ur illustrations! Cute!

  8. I've been a silent reader of your Plus Size Kitten blog for a while now.
    I totally loooooove reading it!
    Not only is it informative but also extremely funny and entertaining.
    I especially love your post on your experience at the hammam with your drawings plus it was funny too.

    Thank you for opening your life and experiences to the world and keep on blogging!!!

  9. Abby: hahaha!! hey older no fun, now young must..err... experience it!

  10. carol: it's not painful for me but it's vigorous so that the body's dead skin can out out. To those havin sensitive skin, best to ask the Moroccan lady to be gentle.

  11. OMG..!!! U juz made me wanna try it..!! Thx for the mind-opening review.. with the nice pics and all... Keep on writing yea..! :)

  12. hehe.. love this post got money can go go go x money just c lor see you happy I happy :D

  13. Shazalina: hahaha thanks babe, u sound so happy readin this?! i shall keep writing!

  14. Sherry: yeah.. that's why i needed to try at least once! when i have money

  15. I personally LOVE this esp their Gommage. Will definitely go again n get their package. :)

    Any recommendations?

  16. It means men also are naked and maybe do the scrubbing and body polishing next to us?


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