Babylon A.D Review (After much complains)

Seems people don't like the new short & simple Miu! fine, I'll give a longer review ok! stop complaining haha. Let's see, I anticipated Babylon A.D to be GOOD after watching the trailer. However this is one of those shows where the trailer is great but movie not-so. Still not a total flop because Vin Diesel did give his Riddick & xXx stunt moves and death defying actions. He really can't shake off those sticky roles anymore because he sounds like Riddick in this movie haha.

Well as you all know, he's Toorop in this movie and he's an escort agent with a task to "deliver a package" @ a.k.a Messiah like Virgin Babe name Aurora to New York. Along with them is Aurora's babysitter nun Michelle Yeoh who is like a "mother" to her ever since she was abandon as a baby at their NeoLite convent. Neolite is some kind of religion in this movie which should be emphasize more politically to bring out it's impact in this show.

Aurora is a freaking pain in the ass. She feels people's pain and even their death. She goes berserk over "bad things done to innocent people" but somehow manage to express no loving emotions to her babysitter Michelle Yeoh for reasons unknown to us. Michelle Yeoh was like protecting her ass throughtout the movie until she dieds, and this "wannabe Oh I feel People Dying" did not even help, listen, save or care for Michelle Yeoh. Yes isn't that something?

I guess she's more interested to screw Toorop in the bathroom. Oh this is where you can see Vin Diesel's yummylicious macho tatoo body.

Also her identity is so freaking boringly potrayed in this film that until the end, I think nobody would remember why she's important. This was suppose to be the ultimate plot but the end could make you go "wtf is that it?" yeah a lot of people in the cinema went huh? what? and still staring at the credits. The movie could've been so much better and I heard 15minutes was cut off from the movie and the director is complaining it's now ruin.

I never heard of a director condeming his own movie.

I guess if you like Vin Diesel, Michelle Yeoh you got a reason to watch it. It's not bad, it's not good either. It's the most expensive version of "children of men" and the weakest sci-fi movie I've seen this year. I will give it 2 stars.



  1. 2 stars is already over stretching the limit. i would just say, it is SLIGHTLY better than X-files as far as Hollywood movies goes.

    Nevertheless, it is going to hit box office as the name Vin Diesel is gonna sell the movie...sigh, if only we get more movie like Wall.E, I would soon turn to movinatics like +size..

  2. Jamie also was watching something where the director was condemning the movie and how they cut out any parts that made the story work and added in any extra action scenes, and even complaining that they stopped him from filming the story to just some action thing with a very loose premise to hold it together!
    Either he has no balls and wasn't smart enough to walk out on the project, or has found many good excuses why the movie sucked! either way glad I didn't row the boat all the way there just to see that movie!

  3. u call that hot? Diesel's chest is like tarantula's legs, with those kind of short little hair on them...yucks.

  4. jamie - spot on, i had to brave 2 hours of stupid traffic jam anticipating some good movie. still, the silver lining is that i won myself family tix to KL Tower (one of the icon of KL City) hehehe

    hur - spot on, may be miu got tarantula fetish leh? probably can borrow from ewin the tarantula for miu to stroke.

  5. miu...totally agree with u! i should have read your blog before watching it. jsut came back from the movies. was not up to my expectation n there was no climax. i was waiting for something extraordinary to happen to/about the girl.

  6. i can see you watch a lot of movies - which is why i'm wonderin why you haven't heard of directors who condemn their own movies. it happens all the time.

    agreed on the 2 stars. shyte of a film. kesian kassovitz

  7. hehe maybe i never realize the directors did it until this one (or i don't watch enough movies)

    cheryl: haha that's how i felt too! lol

  8. I loved Babylon A.D.! Especially the all to brief bathroom scene between Toorop and Aurara. The sexual vibes there were SO intense, even though nothing happened and it was only a matter of seconds long. HOT!! In fact, I would say my favorite "sex" scene, even though they didn't have sex, the energy between them was more of a turn on that most played out sex scenes in movies. I want pics
    of Toorop in that scene! Anyone know where I can get pics of Vin wearing that white towel?



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