1st Cuppacake - immortalized

Pea Kit by Rhonna Farrer

Today I tried digital scrapbooking. It seems to be the cheaper alternative to scrapbooking but I must say as challenging! I dig out some old pictures (last year oct) and tried my hand on it. I love the colours! I guess I might do a review on cuppacakes too?

I bought my first cuppacakes (by wondermilk) from the Apartment, Curve last year late Octoober. I was waiting for Jasmine to celebrate her birthday at TGIF. Darn I forgot that she is allergic to milk, butter, cheese & some times chicken, so she could not try them. Well all the more for me! hoho

I must say the cupcakes are colorful, cute and adorably tempting! but the cups are a nuisance as it was messy for my first bite. Seems like you have to eat the whole thing at one go while squeezing the cup. It's buttery and very darn sugary! almost diabetic stage! My verdict? Good for Party Decorations but it's too sweet for one human alone.



  1. Looks Good Jamie thinks, and a great way to get your feet wet so to say! as I said before you seem to be doing a 100 different things now with this 101 different things! I don't know how you do it but as long as your having fun and enjoying yourself, so not only photos, reviews and now scrap booking to look forward too on your blog!

  2. haha!!! it's a start :D but i'm a girl blogger.. so what i like to blog may be CHICK TRASH to u and the rest of the guys readin my blog LOL!!

  3. miu...can teach me how to do digital scrap booking tak??? very interested..is it a software to d/l or online website....

  4. eh sure! senang je actually!

    u ada photoshop tak?

  5. he he tak ada nanti i cari dulu

  6. looks easy for the scrapbook! Babylon was kinda funny now I think of it.


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