Dinner at The Apartment.

Inspired by the Lifestyle of Urbanites

Fresh, Energized, and Infused

Yesterday, Jasmine invited me over to The Apartment at Curve for dinner. Now all these while I've been passing by this interesting looking cafe that resembles an apartment. Well why didn't anybody think of that! it's actually something that is common but not so common when used as a eatery concept. I wonder if there will be a "The Basement" where people drink beers and have bands playing music in? (wouldn't mind going!).

I was introduced to Chef JJ (apparently he is the head chef & a darn nice guy too) and Chef JJ recommended us some nice dishes to try. First of, Jasmine & I ordered Peach & Raspberry Coolers which is actually a fruit juice infused soda drink (not bad bubbly and fruity). They go like RM10++ ! (wow even a Coke is RM10 here!).

Then we ordered a Mango Salad starter.

Not too bad, I notice they like to use herbs a lot.

Jasmine ordered something special.
Chicken fused with some special sauce that she really wanted to try.
You can't get this from the menu so don't try asking for it!
She loved her dish =)

Chef JJ recommended their famous Baked Fish
(baked dory fish topped with baby tomatoes, mozzarella and parmesan cheese sauted with new potatoes)

Overall I would say their style of cooking is something new and fresh to me. Generally I love spicy and flavorful food or unhealthy western dishes (like mash potato, juice lamb chops dripping with heavy sauce) so The Apartment was like a "health call" to me. My baked fish was ok and I guess I know why it's their signature dish! There's so much cheese on top! I think this would appeal to Australians? or people who are one step above being vegetarians and people with a acquire taste for something healthy, energize, fresh, urban and fusion all together.

yes sue me I love bad food

Guess you might be screaming at me if I were to tell you we did not pay for the food! compliments of Chef JJ thank you so much! (I couldn't afford eating here as the pricing is omfg) A nice place to hang out and talk all day long (feels homely) ambiance is a great topic to start off and the menu is so cute. I've read some reviews that say this place is more for the style rather than the substance but I guess one man's trash is another man's treasure =)



  1. I when to the Apartment a few times and not once the food is good.

  2. Hi Miu,

    I passed by this restaurant once and the usher tried to persuade me to come in by saying that the food there are inspired by Chef Jamie Oliver's recipes... I guess thats why they have lotsa herbs to go around.. Jamie does love his herbs!!! :)


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