Lost your wallet? Maybe I found it..


I can't say how many times I've found wallets, handphones and even newly bought jewelry around me. I think the most expensive item I found was a bag of Habib Jewels left at Kinokuniya 2 years ago. I was just sitting and reading some craft books when I notice a nice paper bag calling my name "tammy tammy". Turns out it's some expensive jewelry from Habib Jewels! well I didn't take it home. In front of me is the customer service counter which I promptly told the person someone left this behind and might come back looking for it. I quietly sat back my place thinking "dam! shouldn't I just take it?" ok it's my bad half talking to me. Minutes later, a malay family looking quite stressed came around the area. I look at them and pointed to the customer service counter, in which they retrieve back their expensive stuffs and walk off. Well I guess they must've thought Kinokuniya folks are very kind and honest.

The same year, I found a wallet full of $$ at GSC cinema. My friends sat next to whoever who lost that wallet but never notice such an item left behind. I caught sight of that, took it, check for a contact number and called the owner. When I finally return the wallet to the rightful owner who wanted to reward me. All I did was said no, smile and walk away. However my friends didn't and was talking to him like "they've found it". Well it seems pretty real because few months later, I receive a card thanking -not me- but my friend who chatted with him. I got so angry I tore that card. I even e-mail that guy (who left his email on the card) scolding him that he should know better who to thank. Yea I was really piss off, maybe because my friend (whom I work with) acted as if she was the good samatarian and even after some time later, proudly professed she's the one who found the wallet (omg i can't believe how that could happen?) and here I was reading a thank you for the kindness bla bla which was not meant for me. Bah Humbug.

Today while I was having lunch, a coin purse drop right beside me. You must be thinking I can hear money dropping? I wish it was God giving me the wallet as I sure could use some $$. Being the good samaritan again, I pick up the purse quickly (who knows what strangers also saw it drop n decided to lug it home?) check for details (none! people should really write their contact in their purse/wallet!) I manage to find a AmBank business card belonging to some I guess sales man, because when I called him up, he said he has just spoken to her a while ago at the same place. He was even shock when I said I just found this Siti (purse owner) purse. I asked him to give her a call, letting her know that I found her purse and I am at XXXX.

Minutes later, we met. She thank me for finding her purse and she promptly walked off.

Imagine if some bad person found her purse? inside some 50 dollar notes, bank card, driving license, I.D etc. I would be cursing at myself for having to cancel my credit cards, bank card, applying all my I.D back. Thus, my day was spent thinking, a thank you and good bye? I should've gone shopping.

Am I good? I don't really know anymore.


  1. the lack of courtesy of some people.

    if it happened to me, you would be on my christmas list for years to come. not so much on the credit cards and money but the licence and i.c would be a torture to apply again.

    never mind lah, those people don't show courtesy ones, they will be rewarded in kind too, they can lose it once, they can lose it again, right?

    now i know why you win so many contests, that's because you are such a nice sweet honest person that deserved to be rewarded in kind, may be that's how the powers that be is rewarding you? by giving you more freebies for one of the thing you loved most, movies?

  2. Jamie thinks your are a good and honest person, the problem is you see all these others who are not! and you think do good things happen to good people it Karma actually true, because it seems like the lying manipulative bad people get all the breaks and have everything!
    But it is easy to overlook what we have when we see others with so much! so unless you are going to turn completely evil then your are going to be that Nice loving girl who is always going to do what she was taught the right thing!
    and people are going to be A-Holes no matter what just smile and know your a better person then them!

  3. I would have taken something. 1 dollar mayb, that will keep her thinking "what the fuck he took?" the whole night!

  4. you are really a good person, Miu! i can't believe you're so good hearted, coz if it was me, i might wait for the person to come for a while, if no one comes then i'll take it! hahah!! gold wor......!!!! =D but maybe that's also why i've got my handbag stolen before!! hmm..


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