Divalicious! (and many more)

Xana & I went to Bangsar Village II this evening for lunch & shopping! She wants to go to the Diva, Warehouse, Top Shop clearance at level 3 to shop for accessories for her wedding dinner tonight. Check out the pictures below of her buy =)

Total cost of all this without discounts RM320-00.
Actually paid? RM84-00 only.

These butterfly 3D earrings are a steal at rm9-00!
so cute.. i want one too

these babies are only rm9-00!
six pairs of earrings !

Butterfly Necklace RM9-00

i love candy! rm13-00

omg this is so chic! topshop anything for rm9-00

----This is what I bought today! Sunday 3/7/08----
Total Costs without Discount RM350-00
Actually Paid RM101-00!

Butterfly RM9-00

(looks like a oriental ball)

nice necklace rm13-00
(has heart & crystal looking thingy and back straps)

necklace rm13-00

Heart Necklace with pink stones RM13

Bangles rm13-00

Top Shop's Freedom Collection RM9-00
(the gigantic bracelet)

Heart Shape Charm Bracelet RM9-00

3D butterly earings rm9-00

--- Other than Diva Stuffs ---

Saw this nice top

Pumpkin Patch Area

Price Spy at this Clearance Sale!

Karen Miller assorted prices in 100 - 500 above.
Warehouse range from RM49, 79 to above.
Principles from RM69-RM179 and RM139-RM279.
Miss Selfridge from RM39 onwards.
Max Studio from RM129-RM499.
Dorothy Perkins from RM19-79 onwards.
Top Shop RM16, 29, 48 and RM59 onwards.
(yes there's also kate moss love top shop jeans for rm79!)
Reiss from RM99, 199, 369, 599 & RM779 onwards.
Reiss Men from RM49, 249, 299, 999 onwards.
Pumpkin Patch from RM29 - RM49 (shirts, blouse, dresses, etc)
Socks from RM9.
Diva RM9 & RM13 only! Earrings, Necklaces, Bangles, Bracelets etc!

note* too many clothes too many different pricing. They're group up in price range.

Trying on a top RM49-00

There's a row of fitting rooms (very secure no peek holes) for shoppers to try clothings. Friendly Sales Assistants around, not too crowded the time I went (after 3pm) Clothings everywhere even in plus size. There's also small range of shoes and bags from Reiss and etc.


  1. and last comment of the day, what happened to being low profile and secretive? your face is pasted all over the recent blogs, even auntie selling prawn mee can recognise you already :P

  2. huh who selling prawn mee!!

    (my face kena plaster everywhere so no need hide liao..identity also bocor when i meet u n hurley Haiz.

  3. hello hello, hurley exposed more leh, i only mentioned names mah...

  4. Trying on tops and all that jewelery wow now that is a shopping trip, I don't know why but I jamie have always been a sucker for shiny jewelery

  5. How pretty designs of jewelry...

  6. i love the heart necklace with pink stones, heart shape charm bracelets.
    are those for sale still? :P


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