Laneige's Bonuslink Members Day Sales

I shall vow to shop only on Parkson's Members' Day from now on coz it's so dam worth while to buy things on this day! Previously I hauled back so much Laneige stuffs and didn't get all these goodies! ARGHHH.... look actual size face powder worth rm132 when u spend rm600. I spent rm940 just 2 weeks back! I didn't get the tier rm480 goodies as well. So SAD. Will only shop on Parkson's Members' Day now!


  1. alamak !!! the GWP RM480 is almost the same as the Mother's Day set RM220, only the Dual Touch Eyes is travel size in the GWP set hor ?? seems really worthy leh...but kena sabar ...must tahan :p :p

  2. IS LAneige good? i am also into korea studffs now.

  3. Hi there, I just came across your blog and I've been wanting to know about Laneige for a long time. Is it a French brand? And does it use a lot of natural ingredients? Hope you can shed some light.


  4. Sexy mummy: yea T_T kena sabar lah this kinda things..

  5. Chris: It's not bad :) water based and affordable.

  6. Hello :)

    thanks for dropping by my blog! I'll do my best to answer your question. It's from Korea actually. The name La Neige is french for snow. They build their skincare over the snow crystal concept or science. Catered for young women, affordable and water based skincare products is one of the reasons they're popular now. They're more towards hydration & brightening your skin.

    Regarding natural ingredients, I don't think they use a lot compared to other natural brands (e.g Burt's Bees which is certified as well, and they put a natural ingredient marker on every product label) but they do have natural ingredients being used in their skincare like plant extracts.


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