Summer Break by Youth Asia

OMG? calling all youths aged 18-35 years old! if you're under budget and looking for a getaway to an island on a budget! this is your LAST CALL to read this poster! A 3 Days 2 Night Youth Road Trip to PANGKOR ISLAND! the private resort & beach is booked for this event! stay in a 5 STAR HOTEL, have your travel needs taken care by Youth Asia! 2 Breakfast and 1 dinner and loads of ACTIVITIES like beach dance party, campfire performances, etc! with celebrities, media, performers!

What's this Summer Break About?

Date: 25th-27th June, 2010
3 Days 2 Nights accommodation at 5 Star Hotel
Pangkor Island Beach Resort (private hotel & beach)
Travel by Bus to & fro (taken care of)
2 Breakfast 1 Dinner inclusive
Beach Parties! Activities!
Meet new friends!!!

Call Rudy 017-243 4731 immediately if interested! BTW I am confirm going to this place with my BF!!! Rudy extended my booking dateline to this Thursday. I need to find 10 friends to get a special rate to go Pangkor Island!!! pls email me if interested.


  1. Miu pls don't tell me it's Pangkor Laut resort! I am going there at end of June, 3D2N but the price is much more expensive than this!!!!

  2. it's not pangkor laut leh!! pangkor laut i also won't tell u all liao.. will go myself!!!!

  3. good for anyone who needs a getaway and mingling around! stellar bought too much this month XD
    time to be frugal

    yeah back to your question on Fancl Collagen drink~ the taste is tangy with citrus and sweet..hence overall is fruity :)
    nothing icky or blahh at for the tablets, you just need to swallow hence no taste!

    i haven't tried Meiji collagen powder drink yet* read some review is fishy :( so we need to mix it with fruit juice or lassi

    fancl has slimming potion drink as well~

    then again fancl only accessible to only to us either by online shop or Singapore the nearest..

    i got my bi-monthly supply from HongKong


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