Premium Beautiful by Hanis Haizi

Ladies & Gentleman, I am helping Hanis to advertise her Premium Beautiful solution here in my blog. Do give it a look, she's Schazwany Hameed & Pink Stiletto's sister. Can't believe all three sisters are so pretty and doing very well in their blogs.

Do you want to look great, and feel great about yourself?

I have a solution for you!

No strict diet, no exercise,no pills, no need to undergo a surgery!

Just wear Premium Beautiful!!

It has LIFETIME WARRANTY, Far Infrared Technology from JAPAN, material Akwatek & Akwadyne from Germany,

You'll see in just 5 mins your body will transform

from flabby to CURVY!!

Hide those bulging stomach!


Cash or Installment!

Credit Card!


Special discount for those who pay cash! Dapat lagi free 1 PB wash!

My own testimonials..

I have lost 15kg from my last pregnancy. No need to wear the traditional bengkung. This Premium Beautiful has lifetime warranty!! Ohh just buy ONCE only!! wehuuuu I'm so happy!! I feel more confident now!
Premium Beautiful helps to increase your metabolism as well!

My cousin:

From this...

9 months later

Wait no more!
Call us now!


disclaimer: this advertisement is from Hanis Haizi :)


  1. Did you knw wearing corset/this type of bengkung can cause our peranakan to jatuh, so not tht safe....

  2. hai anonymous, i dont think can cause our peranakan to jatuh... if let say during our confinement, if not wearing those bengkung , will make your peranakan jatuh.... as far as i know lah

  3. sorry to interrupt.

    i heard about this issue "peranakan jatuh sebab pakai bengkung" few years ago, masa i under confinement.

    actually, the fact is, pemakaian bengkung yang kurang betul/ berkesan/ terlalu ketat memang boleh menyebabkan peranakan jatuh/ misplace.

    Pemakaian bengkung yang sesuai dapat menampung peranakan dan membantu ia untuk recover lebih cepat.

    so, better cari orang yang expert perihal bengkung sebelum main taram aje pakai.

    BTW, miu, r u gonna wear this?

  4. this is my new blog :

    feel free to visit!


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