Chanel Giveaway Winner!

Winner of the Chanel Lip Gloss Giveaway

Congratulations to Vina for winning the Channel Lip Gloss giveaway! The results are finally in. I would like to announce that Vina has won the voting session with 13 votes while Sweetiegem got 11 votes. I will give Sweetiegem a mystery lip gloss for coming in so close in the contest. As for Vina, congratulations! you've won yourself a Chanel lipgloss! Please e-mail me your full & correct mailing details (name, address,contact) so I can courier the prize to you girls. Big thanks to everyone who joined the contest! it was loads of fun seeing the various creative ways to pose with your favourite lip gloss. Don't give up as there's more giveaways in my blog and everyone gets a chance to win something!

Love, Miu


  1. congratz to the winner!!
    Thank you Stellar for voting me anyway~~=p

  2. Congrats to Vina!
    I wanna take part for this contest but I was busy at that time I forgot the due date, FML! T_T

  3. congrats winners, I almost forgot bout this contest lol

  4. congrats to Vina, she is deserved the prize!=)

  5. oh jean you saw my vote*blushing hehe
    you are a wonderful sport!

    congratz to the WINNERS!
    lucky gals aww chanel kisses
    miu can i swap for this lol!!!

  6. oh jean you saw my vote*blushing hehe
    you are a wonderful sport!

    congratz to the WINNERS!
    lucky gals aww chanel kisses
    miu can i swap for this lol!!!

  7. thanks for all the votes and comments..aww can't believe i won the was lots of fun thanks MIU for holding the competition..muahhh..xoxo vina!


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