Cleo January 2010 Freebies

Get your Mini Cleo in January 2010

This month's Cleo is also available in the yearly limited edition mini size (so far I bought Jan 2009 in mini & Jan 2010 in mini). It's still the same price and both sizes gives out the Garnier samples & La Senza 2010 calendar card.

if u purchase Cleo from MPH Bookstores you get this
Origin Samples & Info Card as bonus!

Hope ya all don't get confused with the bookstore promotions that's going around. Kinokuniya, Borders, MyNews.Com & MPH is some of the bookstores that sometimes giveaway freebies if u purchase magazines from them. You won't know until you see a poster being displayed at the counter or around the magazine area. This month, MPH is giving away Origins Sample pack if u buy Cleo.

fancy to win a handbag from Cleo? sms quick!

the Clean Start sampling drive is still on

so is Bi-White samples from selected stores

Ettusais giveway, now this I wanna try.

don't forget to cut out the voucher to redeem

shampoo sample by mailing in this coupon

the Gwen Stefani Harajuku Lovers freebie

only for the first 30 readers to present this coupon
at selected Parkson counters

I got mine on New Year's Day at Parkson KLCC
(1st to redeem! yay!)


  1. I got the normal version d so din buy the small one although I was at MV MPH that day..
    I got the Ettusais samples d.. the SA just give me a few samples, din even explain how to use it but stick all the samples on a catalogue which printed with the flow of using the product..she ask me follow the steps on the tat oni..

  2. i didn't get Garnier! grr Borders way it was OOS that day itself!

    i wanna try Ettusais too

  3. Aiyooo! I forgot to redeem the Harajuku frangrances. Pfftt.


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