Isetan Lucky Bag 1 Jan 2010

Isetan's New Year Resolution:
Luring more shoppers

GOSH MY New Year's Resolution was to shop less & already I broke it by shopping at Isetan's Lucky Bag Event on New Year's Day! (which is also my birthday). Who could resist such a temptation? it's lucky bags and I have never bought lucky bags before. This was the time to see what "Lucky Bag" was about & if it's worth the goose chase.

rows & rows of Lucky Bags at Isetan KLCC

Basically Lucky Bags are "Fukubukuro", a Japanese New Year custom where merchants make bags filled with unknown random contents and sell them for a substantial amount. I googled about it and read from forums/blogs on girls sharing what they got in the past from lucky bag. It sounds so good actually! in Singapore girls get Kiehl's products, Stila Cosmetics, etc (past lucky bag discussions). I was tempted to see how Malaysia would fare so I forced myself to go KLCC on New Year's Day to buy one. It wasn't going to be easy as there's only 100 set of Ladies Sundries Bag (cosmetic/skincare/accessorybag) available at KLCC, 50 for Gardens and 50 for Lot 10.

5pcs Mini Travel Spray set worth rm40
for the 1st 30 readers to redeem on New Year's Day

It was kinda crazy. I ran from Parkson (after being the first to redeem the Gwen Stefani's Harajuku Lover's 5pc travel spray). Thank Goodness Parkson open their gates 5 mins earlier than Isetan. Me & Fatin were like F1 racers - zooming in when the gates were 1/2 open, passing by the Sales Assistants (who must be thinking we're nuts). It's crazy, it was either waiting in line for the Lucky Bags (Isetan) or the Free Perfume Samples (Parkson) at KLCC. My mind did a blurry calculation based on my experience shopping and hunting down freebies. I decided that I would redeem the free samples at Parkson first & then run to Isetan to at least be among the first 100 to redeem the lucky bags.

omg aren't they adorable?

I was so happy! I stood infront of the counter eagerly waiting to redeem my perfume samples, giggling with Fatin. More girls ran in and they join the Q. Proud to say I was the first to be there & Fatin was second. We grabbed the freebies & ran to Isetan's Cosmetic Floor and was relief that the gates still close and only a handful of girls were waiting.

YAY FIRST IN LINE *plants flag*

Kitty & Fatin equally mad crazy shoppers
(look at the long Q)

I rolled up my jeans and fire up my engine. Waiting for the gates to open. Kitty told me there was a HUGE line of shoppers under our floor waiting to get into Isetan. I knew that the lucky bags I wanted would be on our floor as I have already inquired from the floor supervisor 2 days before New Year's. Suddenly the gates were going up, I couldn't wait for it to be fully up so I rushed in when it's 1/2 opened and zoomed inside like a mad woman. Well actually all of us were kinda mad rushing in like that. If our families saw us, they would die laughing.

lucky bag is a shopaholic's trap
(and crime if the contents are junks!)

the friendly Isetan staff with all the lucky bags
(with good memory! only one shopper one bag!)

The procedures were to get in line, choose your lucky bag, collect the memo & pay RM100 at the cashier counter. The lucky bag would then be ready for u at the collection area (just next to the lucky bag table) upon handing over your memo. Everything is pre-packed and you cannot open them up to see or check. It's all random and whatever you get cannot be exchanged or return, even if you think something's missing in your lucky bag.

The contents of the Lucky Bag which I paid RM100 for

samples from lancome, laneige, clarins, dior, lab series
2 perfume vial samples, shoe vouchers , Guess mini bag
& Elle Bag, Denni earings , bracelet.

Actually I am kinda bummed about the lucky bag. It wasn't like what I read about. I guess the Elle Sling Bag & Guess small pouch was great. Would you pay RM100 for a Lucky Bag knowing you will have to take a chance with the contents in it? With RM100 I could actually buy this Shiseido Fortune Box that was on sale for RM98 that day (actual size face powder, base and e/shadow set) worth RM310.

ShiSeido Fortune Box RM98 (cosmetic) or
RM168 (Anti-Aging skincare)

actual size items in it that cost RM310

I heard that roughly about 10.30am the Ladies Sundries Lucky Bag was all gone! Lucky I choose Isetan KLCC instead of Gardens/Lot 10 coz they only got 50 bags compare to Isetan KLCC 100 Lucky Bags. They were quite strict and remembered everyone who purchase the lucky bag! so u can't buy a second one even if you want to.

The Elle Bag with price tag still on it RM229

cute Guess small bag, I wonder how much is this
(where I can put my member cards in it)

I bought 8 Lucky Bags at Isetan's New Year's Day Event

Of course the shopaholic would not just stop at one Lucky Bag. I bought Lucky Bags from different floors ranging from Toy Lucky Bag RM20 to Men's Lucky Bag RM100. I guess my mind was feeling Lucky, if u asked me.

also bought this SK-II set for Buaya Wing RM187
sold out already at Isetan, KLCC

Somehow my Children Lucky Bag RM50 really caught a lot of people's attention. I'll show you why in several pictures. Don't ask me why I bought it!!! perhaps the pink birdcage caught my attention. I wanted to buy Guess Kids lucky bag but it was all gone! boo hoo sob sob.

behold a birdcage in pink & with pink feathers too

my Sasha Lucky Bag RM50
(selling 2 Kitty coz she has a daughter & I don't)

has 2 cute Sasha pink hair clips with bling bling

has a Sasha keychain with butterflies, stars, bell etc

peek-a-boo! who's this lil sweet girl in here?

gosh even kids needs handbags nowadays

Besides the RM50 Children Clothing/Accessory Lucky Bags there's also Children Toy Lucky Bags at the toy section in Isetan, KLCC. They're going for RM20 each and I saw so many of the bags! Big ones, small ones & some has a star wars battle arena poking out of the bag. We can't open the bags and see what's inside, so I took the bags up and use the ceiling lights to see what's inside. Guess which Lucky Bags I got?

Pikachu~! toy Lucky Bag RM20
(also has a Hello Kitty toy in it)

gundam Lucky Bag rm20
(the S.A told me it's worth RM100 over)

Yea that's the interesting bit and 4 more Lucky Bags to show you all but I'm kinda tired editing the pictures haha. It's pretty boring for Men Lucky Bag coz basically whatever I bought for my bf he couldn't wear e.g belt/shirt. Serves me right for buying clothes with a blind eye. The Lucky Bags cost RM100 each. I am so sad sob sob.

Fred Lenzo Lucky Bag RM100
(tie, belt, wallet, card holder. I like the tie though)
Update: who wants to buy this?

Valentino Rudy Lucky Bags RM100 Each
(bought for friend's birthday, bro, father, bf)
update: anyone want to buy Valentino Rudy
L size Men Lucky Bag?

Denni's earings

Back to my Ladies Lucky Bag RM100. Pigita, Sexymummy, Fatin & me lepak at food court and start digging n comparing out loot. Fatin's lucky bag is missing a Denni earing accessory! but she don't need it anyway. Then came comparing out bracelets. I thought mine sux while Sexymummy & fatin both got really nice ones that has casino dices on it. If these bracelets were a New Year's Day Sign/Message to us. I think they would mean:

mine: get marry pls
sexymummy: high roller (spend big)
fatin: mini roller (spend little)



  1. That's awesome! I wished we had events like that over here too!

  2. Happy New Year!!!
    I tried to get the lucky bag too at the Gardens but I missed it!(should have known better and lined up before the store was even open :P)
    If you do not mind the actual contents of your ladies sundries lucky bag. I am curious.

  3. That was the first time I ran into Isetan with the shutters half open.. Don't know where to put my face anymore.. Lol!

    It was fun!

  4. what did u get miu??? more pics pls, hehhhe =P

  5. wow.. so kancheong ah...

    nice leh. but pokai lor. :(

  6. Hi Miu,
    Congrats for getting the lucky bagS. I was not able to get the bag, i was targetting the one from ladies dept, very limited amount.
    Anyway, your first day fo the year had a good start :)

  7. hi,

    Fatin & Miu, no need to be embarassed to "race" for the lucky bag. See how the normally gentle n polite Japanese behave for lucky bags in Japan :

    I also wanted to run but yes, was too embarassed so half walked fast, half trotted LOL

    I got all the things i planned and then some more - kinda malu grab here n there :-)

  8. Hey Miu, Fatin, Sexy,

    it's not only us who are too excited about the contents of our lucky bags to wait till we get home to open and check the contents!!

    See how the locals do it in Japan -

    Same same la!! lol

  9. Miu,

    Msian queue lose bigtime to Japanese queue!!

    Anyway, anyone who missed out can make their own fukubukuro!!


  10. oh..ur lucky bag content is same is Jess's one~
    is the Shiseido Fortune Box still available?? I'm interested on that!!

  11. it's all almost the same

    no more already Shiseido Fortune Box :(

    the skincare was sold after opening..then the cosmetic box sold after lunch time

  12. dee: maybe it will catch up and infect the shopping malls at your place! :)

  13. Miu.. Where's the pic of the pink bird cage with fur? ;p

    Pigita.. Next year must run.. It gets you in the mood.. Lol!

  14. sob sob..missed two great deal..shiseido n skII..>.<

  15. dam..i love the Shiseido set! anyway..m happy cos can save up money!!!..tx for helpin me to buy d SK2...ur Elle bag and Guess wallet is cute!

  16. Miu,

    the pink birdcage is the bestest purchase of all!! It's totally adorable.

    I can just imagine it hanging in the bedroom, swinging to and fro casting shadows on the 'sperm' wall LOL

  17. Miu!! Laughing like crazy at your comments abt the braclets!

    Hey, mine didnt work leh, so it has been swapped with Fatin's "spend little" - improvement right?

    Another correction: yours is not "get married please" - see all the round links? Fertility symbols leh hahaha

  18. very worth lor~~~~~ aiyo......
    next year muz go n get !!!!

  19. hahahah. it was SO much fun running with fatin and seeing you rush ahead of us Miu. my daughter was so excited, after we had finished shopping at Isetan she kept asking me to run with her some more.

    must remember to occasionally run in shopping malls to keep her happy hahahhha.

    hey!!! i didn't get ANY earrings in my lucky bag. or Guess cardholder. (my mom gave me hers). i got a handbag (no brand), bracelet, samples of perfume....

    sob sob. not that lucky. but i am SUPREMELY happy with my husband's lucky bag (all men's accessories) and daughter's barbie lucky bag.

    cannot wait to get my hands on the Sasha bag too.

    my mom's friends and daughter went too. the daughter got an Anne Klein (AK) bracelet, one auntie got a set of makeup (travel size). another auntie got elle handbag AND wallet AND the guess cardholder.


    other people's rezeki......

    but overall i am SO happy and would gladly do it again next year (and hubby says so would he hahahah)

  20. is the set for the guy( fred lenzo) still available?

  21. olivia: yea pls email me :)


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