Name Fatin's Pussy

what were u all thinking about?

Wait what were u people thinking? SHAME ON YEWWWW!!! this is a lil'kitty we're talking about here! and probably nameless for the past 7 weeks or so by now. PITY THE PUSSY CAT! no name for that long? how on earth Fatin calls her to come eat? come here Body Shop Boots Kitty? click here to save this kitty from being name asam laksa? while rescuing this kitty u might get a chance to win the two freebies in the picture:

The Body Shop Merry Cranberry Lip Balm
Boots No7 Stay Perfect Nail Colour in Oyster

This is what you have to do at her blog:

1) You must be a follower of her blog. Just click on 'Follow'.
2) Suggest name(s) for Kitten.
3) Leave your Follower Id & Email.
4) Blog about it if you have a blog & leave me a comment.

each follower only can suggest 2 names per person!

Submit your suggestions by : 15/01/10 (Friday) 11:00pm


  1. Hahaha! Laughing like nuts!

    My kitty shall not be named 'asam laksa'.. Or pussy.. Lol!

    Thanx Miu.. :)

  2. Cute kitty!

    My ideas :

    -Donut (Lol!)

  3. 1- Tafi / Taffi/Taffie/Taffy = from FATI_n sound like Toffee TOO! cause its brown

    and another one!

    1-Cocokat / kokocat

    I am Miu sister so im disqualified automatically =(

  4. Took part too! lol
    I wanna call it

  5. hey u gals,

    Your name suggestions should be posted on Fatin's blog la

    There's a link in miu's post.

  6. I saw your status and wonder what you blogged about this time.. lol.. smart way of attracting attention.. :P


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