Loccitane's Delicious Almond Christmas Sets

Christmas at MidValley with boyfriend

Last Christmas, I hinted to my bf that it's time to give me a present. He's not a present kinda person and he don't believe in giving as well. He prefers to feed people during special occasions. It's kinda like a family tradition. Then suddenly my bf took me to MidValley (his most hated place) without complaining. I knew I was going to get some present!!!

My bf asked me to pick a stuff toy from here sob sob

We passed by a toy stall and he asked me to pick something out from it. I told him NO NO NO!!! Quickly pull him away from there. I have been hinting him on that Loccitane's Christmas Almond Set promotion for a few days. I told him here, see this Almond set it has 3 products in it that is very good. See the shower gel? it's a 500ml bottle and it's limited edition, not for sale unless u buy this set. Then the milk concentrate? it's their best selling item for body care & it firms too. HUH and this bust gel? well this [the conversation is being censored to protect the public]. My bf asked how much is this? Oh it's very expensive. How much is it he asked again? I showed him the flyer n he freaked out.

Delicious Almond Set is RM490

Yeap u guess it, it's RM490 and my bf was screaming away. SO I calmed him down & say that's why I think the other Delicious Almond set RM280 (scrub & Shaping Lift) which is much cheaper and good (ngek ngek since u want me to lose weight) is the best set you can give me hehehehe!!! OK back to MidValley story, when we finally reach Loccitane shop, my bf pointed out to me that he's giving me rm25 to buy something. My face went blank. Then I was like sob sob alright and look around for something to buy. After trying to figure out what I can buy for rm25, my bf suddenly told the SA to get me the RM490 set and the RM280 set and whatever Almond item that I am missing out on. The SA's jaw almost dropped on the floor. I was grinning away sheepishly whole night.

the Delicious Amond RM280 set
Delightful Shape 200ml
Delicious Paste (Scrub) 200ml

Delicious Almond Christmas Set RM490
Almond Shower Oil 500ml
Almond Milk Concentrate 200ml
Almond Bust Gel 50ml

Free Gift with RM450 purchase Verbana Set

My bf carrying my Christmas presents

I now have the whole range of Loccitane's Amond body products on my dresser, thanks to my darling boyfriend who surprise me and the Loccitane SA. Every time I look and use my Almond bodycare, I think of this funny story and how my bf acted so naturally and still manage to surprise me in his very own way. I love you Baby! muaks.


  1. ur bf so funny yet mean yet sweet at the same time :)....my hubby never give me any surprise like this..im drooling over ur almond set too!!

  2. You're one lucky Kitten!

    Gorgeous set!

  3. He is so sweet!! I feel so happy for you!!

  4. he is notty huh, brought u to hell then bring you up to heave >.<. Did you give him a kiss arr :p

  5. oooo.....so sweet!!! i wish my fiancee is like that.... so jealous of u.... sometimes guys have to pamper their love one with expensive things once a year right ;p

  6. Joey: yeah so kns ah him..torture me like this. He say it's reward for me losing 8kg... I of course ^___^ muaks him loh... n he bring me makan CHillis yum yum after shopping.

  7. oh.. so sweet of him. hehe.. RM25 just messing with your mind.

  8. wow.. 8kg big number!

    I not lose 8kg but I feel I can fit in old jean but aiya.. tummy.. too big.. still can't really fit all in.

  9. Sooo romantic la... must jaga him ohhh LOL..LOL.. ^_^

  10. haha... from a giver's perspective is surely *faint*
    from a recipient's perspective is indeed "overwhelm"

  11. soo sweet...

    u both make a cute couple! :)


  12. awww what a lovely post to read~~
    kudos to your S.O.!!
    definitely a KEEPER~~~ yay!

    not one but the ENTIRE almond rangeeeeee *jumping for joy!!
    spoilt & smitten
    & that's how you treat a LAHHDEEEE right ngek ngek ngek

    good luck with your slimming program~~ me too shave off 5kg!!
    ganbatte neko-chan!

  13. your bf is so very sweet, at least you have something to remember everytime you're mad at him, hehehhe =P

  14. your bf is so very sweet, at least you have something to remember everytime you're mad at him, hehehhe =P

  15. aww man! now we have a standard to compare with. hehe...very bad news for the bfs and hubbies out there.

    yours is so wonderful la. funny also. hehe...

  16. You're sooo lucky to have your bf!! Almond Milk Concentrate is fantastic. It glides on your body upon application and leaves a trail of Almond scent. *Drool*

  17. awwwwww.

    and you always sob sob at my blog when i write abt me and Althie.

    nah, see, your bf suprised you oredi!! he loves you a lot to do that...

    but sheesh... sangat evil to tease you like that.

    i would've loved seeing the SA's jaw drop when he said get the RM490 set, RM280 set AND anything not in the set!!!!

    Hebat la ur bf. Showing encouraging signs of being a loving husband.

    and you lost 8kg???? Babe, I dengki nak mati dgn u ok.

    dengki tahap dewa oredi nih. but congratssssss on losing that weight (share with me pls tips)

  18. so good ur bf, I like this almnd range as well although I don't have the whole range as you do....this month have promotion for this range, going to grab it too..hehhe


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