Review: Kiehl's Herbal Shampoo & Scalp Treatment For Dandruff Control

have u been battling dandruff like me for years?

I don't know about you but I have been battling dandruff problems ever since I hit puberty. WHY DANDRUFF? What's Dandruff? what causes it? we have been googling why why why (don't tell me you didn't google) there's so many answers out there. It could be hormones, stress level, lifestyle, how you take care of your scalp, the shampoos u use, etc. On top of that, we have also stood for a period of time in front of a line of anti-dandruff shampoo, deciding which one would ultimately work for you? is it brand X? brand B who has been quite popular or maybe I should go to my local witch doctor and ask him to chant away my dandruff? sigh

Kiehl's Herbal Shampoo & Scalp Treatment
For Dandruff Control

Believe it or not, I have tried all kinds of shampoo from pharmacy, saloon brands, local brands and even sought traditional/herbal methods like using vinegar on my scalp (where I would then smell badly after). I also use all kinds of sprays, treatments that didn't seem to get me the results I want to but made it worst. I would spend from RM10 to RM150 just to find some kind of results. It's an embarrassing problem & I am all out here now confessing YES I have this problem, YES I have been fighting it for many many years and YES I HAVE FINALLY FOUND THE ONE SHAMPOO THAT SHOW RESULTS AFTER JUST 1 WASH (I hereby clarify that this is my results!, you gotta try it out for yourself to see your own results). Does this sound like a anti-dandruff anonymous group talk?

this is my weapon of mass destruction
(can be use daily as well)

Kiehl's Herbal Shampoo & Scalp Treatment For Dandruff Control
    • Specially formulated for a flaky, itchy, or dandruff-prone scalp, our shampoo helps alleviate scalp itching and flaking as well as the irritation and redness associated with dandruff. This effective and preventive daily formula provides a potent treatment to problem scalp, leaving it healthy-looking and refreshed. Fortified with a unique blend of Eucalyptus Extract and Aloe Leaf Juice, our gentle formula can be used every day to leave hair soft, shiny, and manageable without harsh abuse to the scalp or hair.

The price? RM75 for a 250ml bottle of "DIE U DANDRUFF DIE" which has significantly controlled and reduce my dandruff problems. I believe that to all you brothers & sisters out there combating dandruff problems, RM75 is a piece o cake compare to what we have paid for. Through my personal experience and personal review of this product, I highly recommend this product to those who suffered the same as me. Give this baby a go, don't miss the chance to find salvation on your scalp.

Signing off,


  1. ur pic is cute!
    Just drop by and sharing my way to cure my dandruff..i use Dezor Shampoo, is a treatment & prevention of dandruff..and don ever use hot water when you wash ur hair, ur dandruff will worst than usual if wash by hot water..hope it is help you & others too..
    The price is about RM30+ for 120ml
    RM16+ for 60ml. can get from phamarcy.

  2. dezor shampoo? thanks for sharing :D i already found the best shampoo for my hair already n very happy with it. I use all kinda treatment from pharmacy n even rene furterer.. (pay rm150) but no use also dam piss off. Duwan give me samples n insist can work..actually got more worst.

    Gona stick to kiehl's herbal shampoo for now :)

  3. hi miu, good to see you love the shampoo, so far no try yet.

  4. Hey Miu,

    Nice nice, yr picture with yr face emotion!!
    u can ask to be a talent in TV commercial for shampoo!! ^P^

  5. sherry: i've been skeptical about it but after i bought for my bf n sister, n try it for myself.. FULAMAK.. what have i been missing out on? tonight i gona buy 4 bottle stock up. Coz 1 month - 1 bottle!

    i waited 2 months already to buy this!

  6. ciawei: serious bo.. yah hor..look at the dull n macam lack of sleep combating dandruff..face...

    but i am too shy to go on commercial..or radio interview.. i have phobia!

  7. wondering if I can ask for a sample sachet from Kiehl b4 buying?

    Meanwhile I have another remedy to share that works for me, on ur next hair wash, try to massage some tea tree oil onto ur scalp 10-15 mins b4 you hit the shower, somehow the tea tree oil helps to fight off the dandruff a bit :)

  8. fi seel:

    yeah! i read tea tree oil helps too :D maybe i'll go try the kiehl's tea tree oil shampoo too.

    u can get sample from Kiehl's just inquire from them :D

  9. hmm... my fav shampoo too! Been using it for 5 months! It helped cure the dandruff problems!!

  10. Yes yes yessss great shampoo, works for mee... even better than selson blue =.= somemore can use daily, and no strong chemical in it also like how some other supposedly "drandruff cure shampoo" , they have strong chemical smell, makes you think if you will damage your hair or head or not =.=, somemore after using u need use conditioner. But kiehl's Nonit! 100% work and nonit conditionar after!

    I think its genetic that miu's and my head is drandruff prone. =S

    Mom actually says its probably due to sensitivity to chemicals or fragrance? (our family seem to have skin sensitivity issues), not to mention, Dennis's face skin also might be sensitive, now that he has found Kiehl's face wash for men! He says he can see some results! Kiehl's FTW~~~

  11. i have bought one shampoo from salon and the girl told me need to buy some ampules to cure my dandruff..but i just use the ampules twice and the shampoo i used alternate days as she says i cant use it everyday.but is not cured yet..maybe due to my lifestlye, im not sure.

    MIu: thanks for sharing, will give it a try!:)

  12. Candy: yeah and mine too i love it so much! cna't live without it! hope my scalp won't immune to it!

  13. Carol: hahaha.. maybe hor? i wanna try the other shampoos too now.

  14. Xannon: i bought so many also b4.. all x guna wan.. i duwan listen to saloon brands anymore or phamacy brands. Now this Kiehl's punya is life savior. It's not too harsh, and still can use everyday. It dun have chemicals also. U should try, see if it suits u or not?

    for's fabulous i am so happy.

  15. hi miu, dandruff do trouble me sometimes. my friend oso got problem but she buy treatment to use and later was say cannot always use as she uses everyday.


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