Thank you all for the Birthday Wishes!


Thank you all for the Birthday, Christmas & New Year wishes! I shall be blogging about my party, my top 10 memorable 2008 events, and probably a lot more posts! My New Year's Resolution is:

already crowned shopaholic 2009
bad cuna, meo & harim!!!

  1. shop less (tryin so hard)
  2. no more cosmetic!!!
  3. more plus size clothings
  4. more freebie hunting
  5. blog about the posts that i haven't been doing haha
  6. review all my beauty, cosmetic stuffs!
  7. take care of my skin & body
  8. clear my cupboard! omg so much stash
  9. lose more weight
  10. start cooking at home! or food review!

thank you sexymummy *muaks*
absolutely love my Barbie Stila collection!!!
(specially bought & flown in from USA!!!)

thank you auntie penny for the kitty lipstick!

I was so shock that u're givin me sex n the city in a thumbdrive but haha after opening the gift it was a Shu Uemura Tsumori Chisato Venus Pink lippie! thank u!!! muaks*. To uncle frog for the amazing race to get my dream book by my hero David Tutera! it was sold out in major bookstores in Msia so uncle frog drove to Singapore & got the last BOOK from there! *touching effort... thank u... next time dun do that anymore!* scolds*

thank you all for this awesome Loccitane prezzies!

dear bro, jobless n still give me Loccitane
love u lots!!! muaks

Vina! u r so mad for givin me 2 presents! hugs
I luv d Vanila Gift set & Limited Edition Shower Set!

10Q Fatin! love love this one! cute pouch & all!

10Q Ricky, Ron & Theng (my bf's friends)

At my party, I said hello to my bf's 3 guy friends. I didn't see one of them for a long time but I remembered him timbered home made house which was BIG and nice. All of the sudden, they each give me a envelope (I was huh?) then I saw the words LOCCITANE on the envelopes! OMG i was like OMG! didn't expect them to give me anything coz my bf told me his friends won't bring anything for me. Also Loccitane gave me RM20 birthday voucher so I combined their RM150 Loccitane voucher and bought this Delicious Tummy set! yay happy!!!

10Q to my sister & Fiona for the Almond Bath
10Q to my dad for the shower oil & slimming massager

ops no I bought this for myself hahahahhaa...

dear Jean now I can sign my credit card with style!

thanks Kitty Saw 4 d lovely bday mix box
your handmade crystal keychain is dam nice
i will take pic n post it up here soon!

10Q Taysir for the amazing Victoria's Secret Basket!
(my 1st VS beauty products!!! the spray is heavenly)

10Q Taysir for the Elf Christmas Present!
(wooo looks like I dun need to get on that Elf Spree Train)

10Q Candy for the Lush Xmas Mix Bag!
(I've used it on New Year's Day hehe!!!)

oii who gave me this? no card/name!!!

oii who gave me this? no card/name!!! Skye Lim
P.S: what's the message in this gift!? wear only the thong,
slathered on body cream and pour jelly beans all over myself?
so kinky.. i gona give u kinky bday present also u wait!

Xmas gift from Angelzoe!!!

Waternymph gave me Jamie Oliver's 1st cook book!
thanks babe! muaksss~~~~*

Xmas gift from Doroshi! rose Acca Kappa shower gel
(my 1st Acca Kappa product!)

Kitty bought this pre-loved Stila Clutch from USA!
thanks babe, I never see this before!

10Q Wendy for the scrapbook stuffs!
this looks like for children! where u buy?

10Q Mr. Panties a.k.a Peppy Perky!
(yay Japanese Bear Bag! chocolates my bf eat liao)

10Q Ayna for the lovely shopaholic card
and Shu Rocker Eyelash!
(wondering where u buy this! i dun c it at Shu anymore)

10Q Cuna, Mio & Harim! I like the hat box haha
meow the cat is now on my chair

10Q Pigita & Doroshi for this Xmas Gift!
I can't believe u kidnap my Parkson Party Photo!
I thought I won't see it anymore until it showed up here!

10Q Justblooms! for the lovely Elianto Bday Present
(bought from Taiwan she was there for countdown)
got Acai Berry Shower Gel!!!

Sherry made this charm for me it's so cute!

Thx Haze for the lovely surprise by pos laju!
(also for the vouchers! but i can't use it, sunway too far)

to be updated I haven't finish unwrapping the gifts T___T sob sob


  1. If you find a way to refrain yourself from shopping, please do a post because I need help in that department, lol. I hope you had a blast on your birthday Miu dear! Can't wait to read about your party!

  2. Hey miu,

    Happy birthday! Sorry couldnt make it to your party but thanks so much for the invite.

    Btw your new blog template looks awesome :D

  3. Hey Miu,

    Your No. 3 resolution is Wrong Wrong Wrong la.

    It should be:

    3. NO more plus size clothings

  4. why more plus size clothing when you want to lose more weight? absolute contradictory.

  5. ice: np :) thanks for the bday wish! new year new look haha

    Pigita: lol.. i am still plus size and while I'm still plus size.. i need clothes ok!

    anonymous: logically, if i can lose 20kg in 1 day or month, I wouldn't need to say more plus size clothing.

    Joey: yea :) Jean gave me a pen with some bling on it.

  6. Miu,
    Glad that you love the pen!!^^
    So many Loccitane products!!!

  7. Hai Miu~

    Hepi belated besday~ =)
    n'way, i saw on last friday during grabbing 'lucky bag' at isetan KLCC..u look so excited & can't wait to get those beg..=)

  8. can open loccitane mini outlet already!

  9. Can open mini outlet for assorted things.. Lol..

    Now that you got a bunch of great presents, you have to stop shopping.. Or try at least.. ;)

  10. Happy belated birthday Miu!

    Wahhhh so many preziessss! Lucky u! :D

    Happy new year and wish u all the best with your resolutions! Caiyok caiyok!

  11. OMG! miu, happy belated birthday!! you received so many presents, i am sooo jealous.

  12. glad that u lovin it, i'm searching high and low for lashes that u haven't got yet tau, hehhee =P

  13. wow.. everything so nice :) hehe. you can use them for long time ;)

  14. LOL

    that's why we crowned you best shopaholic for 2009, so when you got the title, you can shop little for 2010 ;)

    anyways, glad you like our presents. the hat box has its own purpose actually, for you to keep your cosmetic product if you still don't have place to put them :)

    and the cat, is just for you to hug hug if u misses us...hahahahahah...
    jaga baik baik ok itu meow



  15. wow great presents! I bet you give them great gifts too!

  16. oh wow! so much of pressies...luv luv luv
    happy belated birthday Miu!! omedeto otanjyubi!! kanpai~~ salut~~ cheers!

    what a shame i couldnt make it T.T
    any group photos?! wanna see all the smiles & food galore

    Those gifts are piling up like madness... what an amazing treat for you eh!

  17. Heyya Miu... Glad u got the post... Hope u like it! Still waiting for the party photos so u can make me jealous... hahahaha :P


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