Thank you Jamie!!!

I received a parcel from Uncle Frog on Sunday, he came all the way from Port Klang to deliver this parcel from Canada for me. It's from Jamie, our blogger friend! he had sent it in May to Uncle Frog when I refused to give him my address. I didn't expect him to sent me such a big package even if he found a way to!

Thank you so much Jamie for sending me this parcel all the way from Canada! really love the cat foot massager! It's so adorable & cute! I can't believe u had bought me this & I'd like to send u something too, again! I feel the anime dvd I sent you is just too *shrugs* small compare to what you have given me! 3 months with Uncle Frog, thanks Uncle for keeping it for me & for coming all the way to deliver it to me. Hurley & u got some "humbugs" candy from Jamie! aint' that hilarious! lol.

I am using the cat foot massager!!!


  1. Jamie...I never know what I might run across when I am out and about and am keeping my eyes open for thing to send to Thomas and Hurley but are a bit harder to buy things for! I allays run across cute little things, and when I seen the cat foot massager I knew I had to get it and send it Hope the candies are to all your guys likings and you be a good girl Miu and there is no need to send me anything, but if you do something inexpensive and different like anime figures those ones you put the coin in the machine and get the figure out of or a strange or interesting comic book.. But to tell the truth as long as you enjoy what I sent thats good enough for me! Have fun!!

  2. hahahaha.

    miu the plus sized kitten wearing cat massager slippers.

    very appropriate.

    and oh so VERY cute!

  3. wahahaa.. so cute :)

    woo.. yummy snacks 2

  4. cute .......i wish malaysia have those cute......i wan doggie one.......n teddy bear one....also can......

    miu is so lucky so have such a good fren like you >_<""....maybe u can send her...those apple on stick coated with candies or chocolate .....^_^

    tutu j

  5. hye miu..

    i got my H2o set ady...
    thanks so much....

    btw... so cute lah the cat foot massager.. ;)


  6. omg!! so adorable. i am so green with envy...

    it was so difficult to get you that i had to keep this thing for so long and fortunately, nothing was damaged...

    christmas is just around the corner....

  7. 4 u tag


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