My Nude Dior Makeover


after (i like the eyes)

my makeover pics after touch up

Have not much comments about my Dior Nude Makeover redeemed free from Women's Weekly Magazine coupon (for the first 52 readers) I top up RM20 for the 5R photo+water-effect frame and a A4 size photo.

Ascience @ Kanebo Makeover
no slimming touch up believe it or not!

my rmk makeover
taken with my own camera

Which makeover do you like? Dior Nude, Ascience @ Kanebo or RMK Makeover by Lilian (counter manager @ makeup artist RMK Isetan). I'm wondering now if there's a skincare makeover photography session or not? lol.


  1. woww miu... u look different...after the dior make-over...and i like the purple eyes...too..and Ascience @ Kanebo Makeover..i like your hair..and you like a model lahh so pretty!! =)

  2. Miu!!I luv the 1st one. Dior Nude. Perfecto! seriously u look like an artist ;)

  3. I like the RMK one... more approachable looking ^^; The eyebrows on the Dior one were fierce. And that middle shot of you without your hands holding the jacket was actually quite nice.

  4. i like the asience one most. theone from dior may be a little heavy for a day look but it's still wearable on special occasions ;)

  5. i like the first one too, more modern and minimalist.

    you sure look stunning in your ....... album one.

    if i am brick, i will put a tight leash, hehehe

  6. I like the latest one :) so pretty. :)

  7. I like Dior better...look so seductive ;p .... I can't wait mine this weekend...

  8. I like Dior better...look so seductive ;p .... I can't wait mine this weekend...

  9. i agree with ms.iu... i like the middle picture for the dior one and yeah your eyebrows made you look fierce (love the lip color though).

    you look GREAT in both Dior and Ascience, but I like the Ascience @ Kanebo best.


  10. Miu, i like the rmk 1 ....u look more natural

  11. the one I saw on magazine of you is very prof looking :) hehe..

  12. i think the dior one will be very nice for night makeup. but the hair for Ascience is nicer!

  13. I like the dior nude make over the best! :)

  14. I'd say Ascience for an everyday and Dior nude for special occasions!

  15. I vote for Dior's makeover... u look absolutely stunning! Very model-like... hehe. Altho the brows are a tad too much for my taste... but everything else was absolutely purrrrfect! Meowwwww... ;)

  16. I like the dior nude makeover...coz i like the eye shadows colour...

  17. i like your dior make up.ur face not look so "berisi". this is what we call make up.The magic touch from make up artist should able to hide away our weakness
    Should combine the hair by Ascience n Dior make up

  18. Dior for me! The eyes are pretty. Nice purples!! But Ascience for clothing since Dior one couldn't see clothes that well. RMK is a little light. Didn't see much of a difference.



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