Suria Meriang - Bobbi Brown Contest

The contest ended on 31st July 11.59pm with 3 top referrals naming:
  1. Tammy Lim
  2. Pua Su Leng
  3. Lim Hook Soon
*Beh Phaik In was in the 4th running, currently the website shows she's top of the referral chart only for the reasons that she continued entering the contest until morning of 1st August, 2009. She should not be winning anything, as this would push Mr. Lim Hook Soon down the chart and he will be dam piss about what happened (if I were him). I have screenshots proving who are the top 3 referrals at the end of 31/7/09.

I have not receive any e-mail, or information regarding this contest which I have slaved 2 weeks for without sufficient sleep, stress and anxiety. I read the terms & condition whereby it says winners will be contact within 1 week after the contest close. If anyone from Suria Meriang is reading this, I'd like to know when the winner results will be announced and who are the winners? It has already been more than a week after the contest ended.


  1. Why BEH PHAIK IN is soooo kanasai wan? Continue entering until 1 August, morning??? Hmmph... read the rules properly PHAIK IN!

  2. Miu, pls be patient. Good things don't come easy. You're the top referral; the screenshot says it all. Don;t worry babe!

  3. hey girl
    hope your efforts will not be wasted
    all the best :)

  4. hello miu! bobbi brown is going to organize a workshop this 15th - 16th aug 2009 at mandarin oriental & boulevard hotel. maybe u wanna go? the link

  5. Miu, no worry, you have the proof! They canno get away!


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