Farewell Dinner with Hanna

A few days before RMK Workshop, I took Hanna Hullabaloo of Life's Little Randomness to The Apartment, KLCC for dinner. She was leaving to work in Johor Bahru (J.B) starting her new adventures there as a teacher. She was in for a shock when I said ordered anything she wants. I think she thought she would be paying (I think).

we picked the best table around!

love the ambiance at The Apartment, KLCC

both of us ordered the coolers :)
(mine raspberry, hers was lychee?)

While waiting for our meals to come, I surprised Hanna again with a gift. An encouragement for her to continue blogging even when in JB! I really like her blog, this spunky teacher has potential I tell you! I wonder what was on her mind when she was opening this gift. Oh I told her it would be her early Christmas gift cum farewell cum birthday (oh no I am so cheapskate! haha) since she'll be far away.

I didn't have any pictures of the presents she opened up but I did have pictures at home before I pack it into the cute lil Anna Sui gift bag (u can now purchase Anna Sui gift bags at Anna Sui counters from RM8 onwards! available in 3 different sizes - small, medium & large). Why oil blotters?! my goodness that's a weird gift right?

No don't think I'm a freak. Actually I notice Hanna has a thing for oil blotters from reading her blog. I thought it would make a nice addition to her "oil blotting paper reviews" and hey this oil blotter set is FABULOUS! It's the latest accessory I think? (well I seen their latest brochures featuring this). The vintage design of the casing, when open has a mirror and a compartment where the oil blotter paper can be inserted. For the price I was looking at, I say this is a good buy! plus it can be turned into a card holder as well *lol*. Hanna looking at me weirdly when I say that.

I bought the refill 4 her too (affordable u won't believe it)
(notice the anna sui butterfly logos on it?)

Our meals finally arrived! Hanna ordered the baked fish in banana leaf (comes with steam rice) and The Apartment Soup (which is my favourite!). It's chicken broth soup with vegetables (tomatoes, carrot, onion, leafy greens). Her fish looks delicious but it was only okay.

The Apartment Soup

That's all, I wanted to blog about this earlier but I was too busy with the workshop and events to do it :( I hope it's not too late to wish Hanna all the best in her new adventures in JB (Singapore & some say Batam). I bet we'll see her blogging again real soon! Love meeting & knowing you Hanna, I'm waiting to hear stories about shopping in JB!



  1. looks delicious, never been there :) hehe.. is it expensive?

  2. yea it is.. I only dine there for the ambience.The RMK workshop was held at the same place, but the food served for the workshop was horrible and I couldn't believe my eyes..

    cold hard chicken nuggets
    cold wedges
    sandwiches that barely had any filling
    somekind of cordial drink..

    So far, if u dun have a tongue for fresh tastes, the apartment is not for u :(

  3. Miu, you're so sweet ^^

    Haha, Hanna is moving to Batu Pahat, my hometown!!!

  4. woah! so u 2 can be friends!!!!

  5. it's a wonder that you are still able to maintain and in fact reduce your weight (from the last i've seen you) with all these eatings. gosh....envy envy

    anyway, you are always so sweet and thoughtful that you deserve all the fans and friends you have got, just don't forget "us" the older ones, do say hello every now and then to us, alright?

    and i hope you pygies party is a success and you gals will enjoy yourself.

  6. fresh taste? lol.. will need figure that mean.

  7. hanna dpt hadiah pun look so serious, hehehhe @_@

  8. Ling:
    Ehhh darling u from Batu pahat, seriously? Then we so should hang out together sometimes. ;P

    LOL u meanie~ actually I was trying HARD not to look too giddy. Shy la~

    Oh my the Apartment Soup was delicious! Thanks again Miu! No, I know that the Anna Sui gift wasn't a simply 'bantai' choice. You did make an effort to notice the things a have a lil obsession for, LOL. That's why to always have so many wonderful people supporting u dear. ;)

    I'm leaving to Bt Pahat tomorrow. So soon, isn't it? I promise I'll blog more after this whenever I'm not caught up with work.

    Bye bye for now Miu~ *waves*

  9. aawww...dat was so sweet of u to take her for dinner.

    hana, don't forget to go shopping at batu pahat mall ;)

  10. oh, btw, hana is seating on my bed!
    hahah..that is my bed at home. bought it from ikea..i notice apartment's furniture mostly from ikea, yes?
    the bed, the dining, the chairs etc.

    go go ikea!

  11. Hanna, what a shame, I am in KL now! But I do go back once every few months. Maybe can organize trip to Batu Pahat.. hehe


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