BAD SERVICE at Fireman Steamboat & BBQ Restaurant

I'll be writing a formal complaint to address the unprofessional conduct of their manager Mr. Lee where I reserved & confirmed 4 tatami tables for 20pax (with specific instructions that the first table next to fire stage = as my VIP table) for my blog birthday dinner at Jaya One, Petaling Jaya a week ago, only to find out upon arriving that he instructed his supervisor to give me only two tables and also gave away my VIP table to other customers.

When he didn't take me seriously on the phone, I became really angry. We were not friends to begin with so don't try to use "friendship" to bugger your way out of this problem which you did not apologized at all but instead defended and maintain that it was your restaurant procedures to change & reduce table quantity after CONFIRMING RESERVATION with your customer who had actually paid for 20pax table initially.

By saying according to your restaurant procedures, 8pax can fit a table is utter nonsense (is your so big?! it looked fit for 6 pax only!) when I have already CONFIRM & RESERVED 4 TABLES with you. Does it even matter how many pax is seated when I have confirmed & reserved the tables? Even if I informed Mr. Lee a day before that only 16 guests will be coming, it is still ETHICAL to call me if you want to CUT ME DOWN TO 2 TABLES. Please do not challenge me to say that you were not "cutting my table to two" because according to your "restaurant procedures" 2 tables can fit 16 guests. I do not give a dam what your think when it is WHAT I THINK that matters. IF YOU HAD CALLED ME TO INFORMED ME MY TABLES WOULD BE REDUCE FROM 4 TO 2 TABLES, IT WOULD HAVE BEEN NICER THAN ME FINDING OUT WHEN MY GUESTS ARRIVED. Wouldn't that be normal procedures???

Mr. Lee argued with me I can fit 8pax in this table
(and let my guests squeeze together & fight for food is it?)

how is 20pax for 4 table reservation become 2 tables, after I inform u only 16 pax coming? only 4 pax reduced, so u cut 2 tables away? is this even logical???

Not only did I lose my temper and argue my way out to get 3 tables for my guests, I was not apologized too and belittle for losing my temper WHICH IF HE DID NOT HAVE CHANGE MY RESERVATION WITHOUT INFORMING/ASKING FOR MY CONSENT, I would not have lost my temper and challenge him on procedural conduct.

You're dam fortunate as my guests do not know what happened. They were finally seated comfortably after you gave in to giving me 3 tables for them. They enjoyed my birthday event with the things I planed out for them. Food was OK and the fireman show was EXCELLENT. However you COULD HAVE RUIN MY DAY AND MY BIRTHDAY EVENT and actually YOU HAVE ALREADY RUIN MY MOOD AND I COULD NOT ENJOY MY DINNER AT ALL.

Your restaurant is not even the best steamboat & bbq restaurant around and yet I had purposely made it the place for my blog birthday event inviting bloggers & friends to come review your service/food. AND YET, you dare to shock me with such conduct. Which customer in the right mind will reserve any event/group dinners in your restaurant with the way you handle my reservation? I hope you buckle up & take this incident seriously!

When I am serious, I'm dead serious. Anyone trying to insult me in this post is only clearly not understand the situation that I was put in. I will report any insults, harassment to the POLICE if I HAVE TO.

I shall be editing this post when I have cool down. This matter is pissing me off until today. I WILL NOT GO BACK TO FIREMAN STEAMBOAT & BBQ EVER AGAIN AFTER THIS INCIDENT.


  1. write and complain to the management. did you pay for 20 or 16 eventually?

    the same thing happened to me once, in a hotel in KL. now that you reminded me, i better blog about it too...

    anyway, if they are in the wrong, do complain because customer is always right, no matter how wrong they are :P

  2. Fight for our RIGHT as customer.i know your feeling. i go through b4.
    Just "boikot" this restaurant.
    Luv u.........
    *Pls delete the previous story on them.

  3. I will be mad too if someone not taking me seriously! The tables reserve for you its not suppose to give others. If they did they need to replace the tables reserve by you.

  4. That restaurant manager is extremely unprofessional and very UNETHICAL. He is indeed extremely NASTY on your reservation and planned event. I would suggest that you write a letter of complaint to the owner of the restaurant, c.c. to The Star and also upload it on your blog. Really appreciate that you could share with us here. From your new blog reader, Ann

  5. cool down babe...dun let him ruin ur mood today as well!

  6. darling, calm down! After all that's your party! We were all happy cuz we can get together and chit chat and celeb with you on your 1st blog birthday!!! Don't let it ruin your day! stay happy!!!

  7. I had my birthday dinner at fireman last year/ 2years ago, the service was just so so, but the food was really bad!!!
    me&my friends swore never ever goi back again!!
    expensive with lousy food...
    we can go for telefon for better food and environment, but cheaper price

  8. just saw the pic, wow.. so cramp up. :(

  9. Miu,

    Together with Candy and Janice, i was one of the first to arrive that evening.

    I was surprised with the female chinese employee (i did not see her nametag, if any) indicated that there was only 2 tables for your party as i have read in that u booked 4 tatami tables for the night.

    I was even more surprised with the lady employee indicated the 2nd table from the stage as your main table ie that u want to sit there and the tatami table nearest the stage was marked "reserve Mr Wong".

    The 3 of us proceeded to sit at the 3rd table from the stage, Candy & Janice at one side against the wall and myself at the table's end. Hurley then joined us n sat on the opposite side, facing Candy & Janice. The next 2 arrivals was Von, hubby and rainbow.

    Von's hubby sat beside Hurley and Von opposite me on the other end of the table.

    The table looked "full" already. That's when i started wondering in my mind, how in the world is a third person supposed to fit in on each table's "long" side. Would be really very uncomfortable tight squeeze.

    I did think and completely agree with you that the maximum persons per tatami table would be 6 : 1 at each end and 2 each on each lengthwise side of table.

    Although i am not an expert on this, I cannot see how any table, whether tatami or the booth tables on the ground floor can sit 8 pax per table. The booth tables were occupied when we were there and it was about 6 adults per booth table.

    So, with 16 ppl, I honestly cannot see how we could comfortably fit on 2 tatami table. However, your suggestion of "guests fighting for food" - welllllll, i would not have lost out in any food fight i think - hehehe

    I dont understand why any outlet would give preference to a booking for 1 table over a booking for 16pax. I was very surprised that the "mr wong reservation" was on the 1st table and we were given table 2 & 3. Why not table 1 & 2?? Even b4 u arrived, i did note this and found it kinda strange.

    Well, the food was ok but after some time it got hot, steamy and oily. Alexis did comment abt her hair feeling or smelling oily - I did notice it too but i suppose this must be expected from steamboat/bbq.

    Luckily, the most important element that makes an event is the people and with such a mad crazy group, it was an enjoyable night!

    So dont fret too much over this k.

    After all, it's the outlet that will lose the most in the end.

  10. wah... Don't step on the kitten's tail or the Tiger Claws will come out o.o You go get them Miu! People should not be allowed to treat us girls this way! I swear sometimes it's cos they think it's a bunch of girls that won't eat much so they give us less space or a table far from the buffet line...

  11. food wasnt great, enviroment was great, customer service was horrible, attitude of mr lee is/was terrible , except fireman show is interesting, Nothing else i find fascinating or making me to go back there. thanks my 1st and last time there!!!! if mr lee dont bother is alright, we ignore and will give bad publicity of the restaurant!

    SHOW THEM BLOGGER POWER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Way to go Miu! You shud totally make a formal complaint too!

    And seriously, that table cannot fit 8!! Especially for a steambot dinner!! Hands/elbows would definitely clash if they fit 8 to that table..

  13. omg..sooo sorry to hear this miu..
    obviously that so-called mr.lee doesnt know how influential ur blog is..and how many powerful consumers are reading and following ur blog's review on anything like a mantra..fellow bloggers..pls rewrite this incident in ur blogs and teach mr.lee some consumer rights etiquettes..hope he doesnt stupidly wonder why after this his restaurant is receiving less or no patrons at all..-angelzoe-

  14. i cant believe they ruin your reservation(since me and Jess were late that night) in this case, what for we made reservation ? BYW, i really enjoy the party that night, meeting all the beauty gang was so intersting:)

  15. I'm with you in this!
    Need to really stood up for our rights!
    Most Malaysian just don't take complaints seriously, and always think that they can get away with it!
    They're just lazy!!!

  16. no need to edit da post if u have already cool down miu..dun care wat people think cz u have the right to blog wateva u want in here cz is ur blog anyway :) support u!!

  17. 3 tables for 14 people is just nice la. I had fun too. =P

    Anyway, here's the link for the photos. I've done some touching for "some" of the photos too.

  18. Thats just plain bad service. I've never been there and most probably never will after this.

  19. as a customer you have all the right!! It is so unethical for them to cut to 2 table for the fact that only 16 of you are going..Write them a complain letter!! Serve them well

  20. sad that u encountered this kind of treatment... Of course having birthday celebration, you want all ur guest having a comfortable place to enjoy their meal...Now everyone has to squzee themselves in a table... I can understand how upset you are... I think any changes to your reservation, they should inform u earlier....

  21. to sit lorr.. 16pax on that 2 small tables?
    Fuihh what type of manager is this.How is he thinking about customer that make RSVP...
    write formal letter complaint and sent to Malay Mail.
    Sure Mr Lee kena.
    Luv u........

  22. Yah.. i also blogged about a slimming salon that i went to recently.

    I took it down, but re-wrote it. believe the manager of that particular salon received an email from the HQ, and I could guess tht was what happened, as I was checking out from my site tracker how many of their staff were going through my blog.

    Power to bloggers!


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