Kiehl's Party 8/8/09

Kiehl's Party 8.8.09 at Pavilion!!!

Last Saturday was a blast! I was invited by Von Von to attend a special party organized by Kiehl's for her & her blog readers at their Kiehl's Pavilion store @ K.L. The party started at 2pm with a bang @ Von thanking everyone who came, then a short introduction & presentation by Nadia Yap @ PR of Kiehl's follow by consultation & goodie bag redemption at the store.

Wing, Fatin, Ice Man

Kiehl's also had something special on that day in conjunction with their new Ultra Facial Cream. It's a lightweight daily hydrator that provides 24 hour hydration leaving skin comfortable & visibly well balanced, particularly in harsh weather conditions (hence the ice man here!!!). Kiehl's actually put this product to test by giving it to the 5 expedition participants who tested the efficacy of Kiehl's Ultra Facial Cream as they scaled the peaks of Greenland*.

Of course I would be lying if I said I didn't come here for the goodie bag (yes u bought my soul! sob sob). On the counter there was loads of goodie bag, specially packed and given after a personalized consultation with the Kiehl's KCR (Kiehl's Customer Representative! not called Sales Assistant or the likes mmkay?). Inside? 2 deluxe size Ultra Facial Moisturizer 30ml & Hair Conditioner & Grooming Aid 65ml. This is what I call a goodie bag *clap clap*.

Well when I first arrive, I saw this yummy table just outside Kiehl's. I started taking pictures and suddenly Nadia (Kiehl's PR) came along & introduced herself & said she read my blog before! *shocked* She also told me the pastries were ordered from FatBoyBakes (another blogger) omigosh! I had eaten his pie before at Selina & Adrian Ku's birthday dinner a month ago. FatBoyBakes is getting really popular with his pastries & cakes! What surprises me most is that Kiehl's actually took the effort to get to know normal human beings like me, Von, you & fatboybakes & bring us together! I'm starting to like Kiehl's.

azza & hidayah enjoying the drinks
(jealousnya.. i only got shandy sob sob)

no I'm not paid to advertise Shandy

Nadia Kiehl's PR lady in blue

my friends turn up at this party too!

I'm not paid to butter Von up too

The party started with Von introducing herself and thanking Kiehl's for organizing this party for her & her readers. Sure enough, Von also insisted that we introduced ourselves. She made me her first victim, slaughtered and chopped. I took the oppurtunity to express my admiration for Von by declaring I am her best friend (ok ok over I know, a bit perasaan sorry! haha!). I forgot to introduce myself properly, which Von did for me in the end *shy*

Von "torturing" her guests *sob sob*

a short introduction & a video presentation by Nadia

Kiehl's Customer Representatives

everyone had a gala time testing Kiehl's products
"Try before u buy" says Kiehl's!

I met Lilian @ counter manager of RMK Isetan KLCC
(she was just passing by & saw the fabulous party)

special party rebate just for us!
(a rm10 rebate for every rm100 purchase!)
on the spot rebate on anything!

I really like the baby corner Kiehl's put up

it turn us into babies as well, look at Buaya Wing

NO pls I DO PAY my credit card bills!!!
Loan Sharks Stay Away!!! sob sob

everyone went mad

Wing: vroom vroom where's the nearest Kiehl's?

can i have more freebies....please?

I got to sign on the infamous Mr. Bones
(can u guess where I signed?)

posing with Mr. Bones

can we be at your hall of fame Kiehl's? sob sob

It was a great party, I'm sure my pictures can tell u more than what I can say. I'd like to thank Von Von for inviting me again, Nadia (Kiehl's PR) & Yvonne (Kiehl's retail manager) for organizing this event, to the KCRs for their fabulous service & help (and samples ahem). Thanks to all the girls and guys whom I met at this party! love u all! I do wish I could take more pictures as my camera went flat on me :(

Nevertheless, a great event would not be great without me shopping right? I'll post up my Kiehl's haul tomorrow as it's already 2am now & I'm suppose to be resting but I couldn't stop blogging about this when I start! It's been great fun and thank you all again.



  1. owhh so jealous.. suppose i also went to this party......sob-sob..

  2. fuiyoh!!love o ur captions!!! i cant stop laffin!! especially the loan shark pix..hahahaha

  3. ahahahahahahha

    miu, as always... your artistic poses in the pictures astound me. not to mention crack me up.

    lucky oso didn't get to go kiehls party. kalau dengan aku2 sekali posing merepek hahahahahha.

    glad your girls had so much fun.

    and..... are the people who organised the RMK workshop reading this??? i hope they are. the people who organised the Kiehls party KNOW how to FEED guests. those Luxasia ppl who chose nuggets should take notes!!

    hmpfh. (still pissed abt the bad food at the RMK party...)

  4. Thanks dearie,

    When I read this post, I feel like I am still at the party!!! And all the pix are great!!

  5. The cupcakes soo yummy!! Party was great too.. Heyy.. how come i'm not in the pics? ;p

  6. hehe.. pop by here again to see :)

  7. eiyer jeles!!!! :( wish i were there

  8. I think I've seen the softtoys that you guys play with before..kakaka

  9. wow lots of nice piccies! i get to relive it. i didn't see the plushies? now i know why. you all hogged them haha...


  10. The pics are so lovely Miu!!

    It's a great party indeed..I enjoyed myself very much =)

    Wahh..I'm spotted in 2 of the pics u uploaded..i loike! TQ Miu..hehe

    Thanks to Vonvon too for inviting me to this party..Lain kali bleh ajak i lagi eh..=)

  11.!!! Looks like u girls had tons of fun! Me jealous~ V_V

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