Exclusive Workshop for Plusizekitten

Clarins "Power To Try Workshop"

by monorail

the map of amoda @ bukit bintang
(it's just opposite Berjaya Times Square and next to Lowyat)

Date: 22nd August, 2009 (Sat)
Venue: CLARINS Training Centre,
Level 6, AMODA, 22 Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur

"The Power To Try" exclusively for Plus Size Kitten & its readers focusing on skincare only. You all basically get to try & play with Clarins cleansing milk, face scrub (gentle facial peeling), Clarins masks, Clarins Serums & moisturizers tailor-made to your skin type. Testers & trials from the ranges of hydraquench, extra firming, truly matte & whitening will be prepared for you all to play with it so get ready to feel & touch the product directly onto your face! We believe that hands-on experiece is simply better than just giving out presentation.

Confirmation of Workshop Attendance 22/8/09:
*pls confirm and show up! if you don't show up... nahaslah u...

1st Session 10-12pm (20pax)
17. Pigita
20. Donna Marie @ shopaholic

2nd SESSION 2pm-4pm (20pax)
1. Fui Yim @ sexymummy
2. Kelly
3. Fatin
5. Chain Yin @ Candy
7. Alexis
8. Waternymph @ Fariza Fauzi
9. Jasmine Kho
10. Izzatul Shima
11. Zatul Natahain (sis)
14. Yunny
16. Eugyn Wah
17. Ken Bee
18. Jen
19. Intan Sharfeeyah
20. V-Ng Yan

Your registration is confirmed only when your name is on the participant list. Registration is closed. If you do not see your name here, email me tammylci@gmail.com.

FYI if you're a blogger, kindly spread the word around! Arigato!


  1. Miu, you're brilliant. and THANK YOU for my spot.


  2. Must go!!

    I am back fr 2day's session. You can get to try almost all Clarins skin care product - from cleansing, mask till moisturiser & end up with their make up as well. The best part is free gift ie 50% disc facial voucher, Joli Rouge lipstick sample, 2/3 clarins skincare sample, 2 additional skincare samples of your choice to be collect at clarins counter.

    Ist time attend clarins workshop & find it great! I am a great fan of Clarins product. Thx, Tammy for post'g the news on your blog. If not, i will miss it.

  3. wow Joan.. it sounds so good now that I can't wait to go for this Saturday's workshop!

    i wish i found out sooner so a lot more readers can go! glad u enjoy it so much...

    and seriously? they let u try so many products? and even MAKE UP? GOOD GRACIOUS I CANT WAIT TO GO!! thanks for letting me know what they provided!!! arghh!!!!!!

  4. is there anymore place? i want to go too.. never try clarins b4.. hope got space pls contact me miu

  5. got space??? full house???

  6. hi miu,

    if an additional workshop organized, i would like to attend (if no schedule clashes)


  7. Hi Tammy,

    My name is Wan, im Vina's friend (Jclues). Will it be possible if you can reserve a place for me for the Clarins workhop?
    Appreciate your help.
    Im newcomer to your blog. Vina introduce it to me few weeks ago. Its very interesting and helpful.


  8. darling, when is the workshop and how much..would love to join workshop but always no time..
    but can u tell me when is it..tq babe.

  9. it's free Harim :)

    i notice puasa also started! so if u have the strength for another session (if clarins is giving us) jom pergi!

  10. oh, on puasa time the 2nd session?
    can lah..
    so if u got the 2nd session, lemme know time and date.

    thank u thank u!

  11. Miu, count me in for second session.. rugi la kan kalau clarins member tak pi workshop ni.. thanks dear for ur great effort

  12. ya u all have to join i tell u..

    clarins is my favourite skincare.. althought they dun give me free facials..or free barang.. i will still love them to bits.

    Kena try even once! then u like dun like up to u girls!!

    btw... this sat is same time the workshop 10am-12.30pm

    i will be hearing from Clarance if they want to give me & my readers a second session or not.. for later in afternoon or next sat.

    Puasa already started, but i hope u girls energy enough to attend? :)

  13. wow if there is another session i don't mind going! but am not a Clarins member. how?

    i wanna play too. let me know Miu! thanks.


  14. Hi Abby,

    Clarins has been kind to let me invite my readers regardless whether they're clarins member or not :)

    i hope they give me a 2nd session so u girls can come.. as the 1st session was filled up just hours of announcing :(

  15. morning,

    any news on the additional workshop?


    CLARINS! 50% off facial? i heard u rave about it so much... if can try 50% off... np np

  17. clarins skincare memang best.. i start pakai masa second pregnancy.. my skin terus bebas dari jerawat.. i love hydramate collection...

  18. dearest miu,

    would totally love you to death & the world beyond if you could somehow squeeze my considerably not-so-small self a spot in this clarins workshop thingy.


    thank you <3

    -muzie, kitpryde's adorable friend-

  19. Miu, pls let my fren Zyrin go oso.

    *sigh* and yeah, she IS adorable. although ngehngehngeh standard la, my kawan2 all cantik. (if they berani say otherwise, siap, I nag until cair earwax)


    saya yang emo masa tulis feedback RMK workshop cos they are so %^#^$#^&%^&*(,


  20. miu.. let me in too.. zyrin tu pon kawan i.. ahaks... kami semua cute...

  21. u semua satu geng ke?!!

    ok ok pls email me your name n contact for registration! tell me which slot u nak? i scare kenot fit morning coz it's almost penuh


  22. if thrs space, i wana go in the morning pls

  23. Dear Mui,

    I have followed your blog regularly. Interesting. I don't think i ll be able to give so many comments and feed back.Ha ha ha. I do admire u for that. I m a Clarins skincare user. I would like to join the workshop with my house mate who is a big fan of Clarin's body care products.Thank you.


  24. Sent you an email dear. I hope there will be another session.

    Thanks ya.


  25. I would love to participate if they allow u to organize the 1nd workshop, I want to go, so much.... plzzzz:)
    Thanks for all your effort!!

  26. hi miu, am Izzatul. Kitty's friend and she was raving (hysterically) about this workshop that i just cant help to join it too. would you please reserve a spot for me for the 2nd session? totally appreciate it. btw nice blog!

  27. WOW, Miu has come through for us again.

    Thank you so much Miu and also a big thank you to Clarins for their kind and big-hearted gesture.

    Great karma and loads of goodwill generated from this.

    Ladies, what are you waiting for???

    Free workshop from a world reknown brand, can play with skincare & cosmetics AND with "googies bag" (term TM by jess}.

    COME COME Quickly sign up b4 all the seats are full!!!!

  28. Miu,

    i wana go, can put me in morning session? Thx,muacks :)

  29. so nice! too bad i can't join on that day *sob sob*

  30. morning is full tangzi.

    to those who want to sign up for this workshop kindly email me at tammylci@gmail.com. This workshop is for my readers only and subjected to seat availability.

  31. pls email me girls.. coz i can't keep in touch with u without your emails..

    those interested who left the comments here..email me pls


  32. Yeay i'm in! Thanks Miu!

    Oh i reaallllyyy hope there will be goodie bags yang best-best. This is my first workshop and hopefully Clarins didn't disappoint me :)

  33. oh clarins is so kind, i am so excited to try clarins for the 1st time and i hope they are generous in giving out samples/freebies in their door gift for us to try too, because it will be good chance to try and buy it if suitable.

    good job miu ! thanks to clarence and clarins . :))) this is what we called good marketing strategy company !

  34. hye miu!!! thanks for the invite to superb clarin workshop!!! i tink im gonna love clarin more n more if they knw how to treat us with this owesome workshop..i cant wait!!!thanks tammy!!! muahx!

  35. agree wit the goodies ting and pls special discount for us on that day..hehe..

  36. Dear Miu,

    Thank you so much for allowing me to participate in this Clarins Workshop. As the matter of fact, I have not been approached by Clarins before and never got a chance to try their products and this is a first time exposure to Clarins after hearing so much about their products and facials. It would be nice if Clarins would be able so provide Goodie Bags for this workshop for us to try out the signature products especially for newbie like me to Clarins. See you there Clarins.

  37. have fun everyone. too bad i can't go. but i want the goodie bag. waa...


  38. Hi Miu,

    Thanks so much for an invite to the workshop. It was really informative and fun! Met a bunch of new people.

    If anyone took pics, pls send it to me? My email is icednyior.blog[at]gmail[dot]com

  39. babe, thanx for the opportunity of joining the workshop.
    it was my first workshop and i did have a lot of fun ;)
    btw, nice bobbi brown hamper!

  40. so detail you are great!



  41. i loved it i loved it i totally LOVEDDDDDDDDDDD it!!!!!!

    the girls were nice and knew the products inside out!! i kept asking the prices and it all just poppped out of their mouths, they even showed us how to use the products, kept the "bins" empty and was SO warm!

    (not to mention that their girls are ALL so pretty and have flawless skin, now THAT's advertising!!!)

    i felt so welcome and had so much fun trying the products, even the ones i am not aiming for!

    thank you Clarins and thank you Miu. will blog abt the workshop a little later.



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