Valiram Luxury Sales 19-21/09/08

click on the poster 4 more info!

Omg omg sns just email me about this sales!! first thing i saw was "Jimmy Choos" and last week only I was reading about Jimmy Choo in the newspaper and his shoe empire story (awesome). My friend said every girl should have a Jimmy Choos in her shoe closet & I can't get that word out of my head! FYI, this sales is covering one of the top brands in Malaysia. Coach, Jimmy Choo, Naf Naf etc! I wonder how much and what items offered?? click here

* notice that it says no cameras allowed.. (oh boy)


  1. yeah i saw jimmy choo on tis sale. oh my god...aiyoo somemore tomorrow got nose warehouse thinkin whether to go or not..sighh die laaa so broke. which u goin?? Why all fall on a friday la..aiyob

  2. Jamie thinks "OH MY GOD how many sales like this are there" Don't get me wrong my motto's are 1)"if its not free its not for me" 2)"if you can't buy new buy two"
    I love sales but I would think that I would loose my mind going to all of these sales after a while I would loose track of what one I was at.... But it dose sound like frugal fun!

  3. squirel: too many sales, too little money. Looks like not goin lol.. u have fun lah yah :D

    jamie: yah jamie it's a monster warehouse sale this year. Probably the distributors found out they earn more money making people go to them, then they do sending it to retail shops LOL!


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