Cold Wars with Cold Storage

Bought Chicken Soup was charged RM8-99
(original price rm6-99)
(must be too relax thinking Cold Storage won't repeat same mistake)

Bought Chicken Soup x 2
cold storage charged me rm8-99 x 2

Bought Chicken Soup Can x 2
cold storage charged RM8-99 x 2

Ok ok I know you are going to screw me up when I say that I did not really officially complain to Cold Storage Management yet about them always trying to ROB ME out of few ringgit or cents. SO I thought ok maybe they will clean up their act ever since I been telling them I got overcharged all the time. Imagine this, last week I was overcharged by rm2-00 for a can of soup (and I bought 2 cans!) I was given a refund on the spot once I voiced out (suprisingly they don't need to go check the item at the shelves this time!). Yesterday I went to buy groceries again and I was overcharged again RM2 each for 2 cans of soup! (my bf paid so he didn't realize anything). I only realize it when I got home.. slap my forehead about not checking what he paid for.

SO I WAS DAM PISS, I called up the number on the receipt. Guess what? it's their supervisor at the Cold Storage I shop at. I had dealt with her before and I realize no use calling the number coz they never clean up their act or APOLOGIZE!!! How many times I got OVERCHARGED NOW? 6-8times??? and that's the ones that I have evidence to show!


UPDATE 3/7/09: I was overcharged not once but $%^^& freakin many times! read this!
Did I miss any blog post out? I can't even remember how many times I rant about this stupid matter here. And I was too RELAX thinking they'll brush up! No Sireee.. looks like they're quite happy ripping customers off! especially the EXPATRIATES living arount Mont Kiara! I'm going to dig out all my EVIDENCE, POST THEM HERE and Make an OFFICIAL COMPLAIN TO NEWSPAPER AND COLDSTORAGE AND CONSUMER TRIBUNAL!

1. email cold storage (done)
2. write official complaint letter
- send by fax, post & A.Registered Post (yes all 3 methods)
3. C.C the letter
- consumer tribunal & Malay Mail Newspaper
4. write to MP (DAP) in charge of Mont Kiara area
- Mr. Lim Lip Eng whom I had helped create & design his campaign manifesto and flyers for his election in March. So happy I could help abit.

oi pls don't laugh at my poster
I did this in half and hour before sending it to print!
it's free anyway I volunteer to help his campaign
nobody complain ah!!!!
it was worth it because he won!
Jom Ubah!


  1. Cold Storage is same management as Giant Supermarket.

  2. apparently cold storage owed by my friend's father (ex colleague)

    go for consumer complain tribunal lol

  3. I'm in Singapore and I got cheated a few times, always after I've left and walked off for a long distance! I got cheated of SGD$5+ before, the change was short. When I walked back they said I couldn't prove that they short changed me.

    This has also happened some other times with loose change. I'm not sure if it's because the people they are are dishonest or what. Usually they hire PRC students who seem really uninterested and bored. But I'm just saying.

  4. Head Office Malaysia

    Mezzanine Floor
    Giant Hypermarket Shah Alam Stadium
    Lot 2, Persiaran Sukan, Seksyen 13,
    40100 Shah Alam, Selangor,

    603-5544 8888

  5. WTF again?!......teruk betul this supermarket.....btw i never go coldstorage after i read ur blog complain about it =.=""

    imagine u buy 10 bottles means RM 20 =.=""

    cant imagine my husband always no care receipt one...not even bother to look kana liddat ....then i sure nag nag n nag =.="" i sure super bising one if this kind happen....

    pls go F@!#!#$! them MIU !!!.....bring vonvon with u works when she report about bobbi brown.....not so nice lei....3rd times liao =.=""

  6. thanks girls! i will sit down.. take deep breath to write an official complaint letter to coldstorage about overcharging me =_=!!1 geram betul already! i still haven't go collect my refund from coldstorage coz so busy!!!

    i must BRING VON!

    it's actually 7th time already.. n i got keep all the "evidence receipt".

  7. Hello Tammy, dropping by. Take it easy girl. I think it's time to boycott Cold Storage once and for all so you don't get cheated again in the future.

  8. wah lau eh.....I heard my name here...hehehe, no wonder I coughing so much la.... ;) :P

    Yes, I support you in reporting this and make a BIG DEAL of this!!! This is amounting to CHEATING!!!! IZZI NET, no, LOUZZY NET CHEAT ME AGAIN, that's why on Wednesday, I got no Internet!!! Luckily, got one IZZI staff from the sales dept helped me. If not, till now I wont have internet!

    If you wanna go to complain about Cold Storage, sure, no problem, I can even drive you there, but you need to navigate me la....cos i dun know Shah Alam area well. hehe!

    Also, if you wanna go to the consumer tribunal, pls tell me because I need to complain about the LOUZZY NET also.

    Miu, IF YOU WANNA GO COMPLAIN ABOUT ANYTHING, AND I MEAN ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING (you know what I am referring to, right?), please tell me. I will gladly help you and support you, esp when it comes to CONSUMER RIGHTS!!!!

  9. go tribunal sometime is good and bad...let me decribe to u good n bad part ar....
    good : satisfaction and sometime got newspaper people come take pic and ur story will out next day ( usually chinese paper)and u get ur 2 bucks back....

    bad :waiting lor...what u lose what u get lor...u cheat 2 bucks u get back 2 bucks lor....u wana charge time ( not sure can or not) , petrol ( i think can) , parking ( i think can also). basically small amount if tribunal...need spend time to go tribunal.....if cold storage rep not come u auto win.

    first u file complain...then tribunal ask u send tribunal letter ( pink one) if settle out of tribunal when u send the letter that also can happen,mostly ppl wont come =.=""

    then wait for the date then u go tribunal court then they agree both side agree i mean ok...then how much u claim how much they pay u lor....mebbe like ur case is rm2 or more la....( hope u really dig them out big amount )

    then agree liao got like 2 or 3 weeks u get ur money from cold storage

    see many step

    but dont give up bcus i also support u if you do that the BEST one is if u get PRESS ATTRACTION then BOMB landed on cold storage =.="" u noe lah.....all the SI LAI ( auntie2 at home buy stuff at supermarket) read CHINESE PAPERS one....but sometime THE STAR also come ...but not always like the chinese press.....

    hehehe...hope u no pening i type so long hahaha....

    yeah i go tribunal 2 times bcus i kana cheat by company for 1888 RM amount no defense case so i win hahaha

    tutu J

  10. Tutu! tell me more about your experience! wanna learn!!!

    how u get cheated rm1888? and where u go file the tribunal?

  11. Tutu J!

    Yes, pls share your experience at the tribunal with us. May be Miu, invite Tutu to write a guest post on how to, where to complain to the tribunal??

    Then when people Google 'how to file a complaint to consumer tribunal?'...people can come to your blog. More traffic and at the same time, you are helping and educating your readers to be WISE CONSUMERS!


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