Free Nandos Sauce

the recipe book is dam cool too

Yesterday after meeting up with Christine @ PrettyBeautiful Blog at 1utama to pass the Crabtree & Evelyn soaps to her (she bought 8 pcs from me! thanks babe!) I went to MPH to scout for magazines & inquire whether they still give out the Nandos Double Peri Sauce Bottle Pack with purchase of The Women's Weekly healthy meals recipe booklet (rm9.90). Good news! they're still giving out! so I bought one booklet again just to get the sauces (yes just for the free sauces!). It's Hot Peri Peri & Very Hot Peri Peri sauce bottles! I'll make Peri-Peri BBQ Chicken with it! yum yum ~

since i already have a copy of this booklet
who wants to buy my extra copy for rm5?
email me
(mph is clearing these booklets for rm9-90)
*note the cover don't look new


  1. Hey Dear,

    I want to buy this book. My hubby wants me to learn preparation for living abroad....sigh!!

  2. dear Von,

    u goin to mph to buy this book or u wan buy from me? rm5 if buy from me.. haha.... the recipes seems pretty easy to make, they have from appetizer to desserts.

    total of 78 recipes inside :D


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