Kamon Girl!

Finally the item that I have been leeming for ever since it came out is finally in my hands. Behold the Shu Uemura's Kamon Girl limited edition cleansing oil (the design is limited edition, cleansing oil the same). I asked PN @ Shu Uemura's SA at Isetan which cleansing oil suits me. I have sensitive cheeks with dry skin so she selected the classic one for me which is suppose to be gentle for sensitive skin. She did a short demo for me on how to use the cleansing oil (frankly speaking I was amazed as I never really use cleansing oil before! olive oil yes but this? no). The cleansing oil needed to be wash a few times, emulsifying it into a creamy white liquid to be washed off (wow.. my jaws drop haha! who knew I am so outdated lol).

my very first Shu Uemura product

The cleansing oils goes for RM260 each except the brightening one (purple one) for RM280. I wish I had bought the brightening one instead, but I don't know if my skin will react to it? I need really gentle products on my face. Yes this is my first time buying something from Shu Uemura and it's bcoz of the manga cleansing oil. I knew their cleansing oil are fab, but I have never bothered to buy.

Since I bought the Kamon Girl Cleansing Oil at RM260, I instantly became a Shu Fanatik (member). I did not know being a member has so many welcome freebies like makeover x 2, eyebrow trimming x 2, last atelier workshop & eye atelier workshop! besides collecting points with your Shu Fanatik card (which allows u to redeem for some selected goodies under their redemption program). FYI, spend RM250 & you can become a Shu Fanatik already.

I also asked PN (the SA's name) whether I could try their brightening cleansing oil since 1utama's Shu Uemura did not even bothered to let me try any cleansing oil samples. She gladly gave some samples for me without a word of hesitation.

I'm beginning to really like this SA as she continue to recommend me some of Shu's product @ the cleansing water and sun block. I have decline them (yes I'm not so crazy to take everything) but PN says don't be afraid of trying, so I did not reject her again. Then PN told me that I am qualified for the Shu Uemura Free Facial promotion for the 1st 50 Isetan Card Member who purchase this product. Thanks PN for the great service & information!

fyi: still got facial spots

Wow imagine just buying a Kamon Girl cleansing oil & having so many benefits at one go. This is what I call shopping! the benefits and feeling like you just had a great deal thrown at you, yes I love retail therapy.

Just in my mind, I'm doing this calculation:

cleansing oil rm260
estimate cost of facial rm100 (rough estimate only)
makeover x 2
eye trimming x 2
atelier workshops x 2

did my my cleansing oil cost me nothing? haha


  1. me too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    and now i have it! along with some goodies ^___^

  2. I always love how shu uemura SA treats their customers....make me just want to spend the whole day there.... ;p

  3. good buy! DONT buy the brightening one, it is useless! i bought it before, it did not clean my makeup well at all. then i sold it off. hehe the classic one is the best!

    p/s: if u want to try other brand of cleansing oil, perhaps u should try Inuovi, it is 150ml at rm70++, and cleanse as good as shu, if not better

  4. the freebies sounds so nice
    im using dermalogica
    no nice treatments HMMPX :(

  5. wah this is my holy grail cleansing oil , it clean my waterproof mascara very well.....and 1 big bottle can last quite long.......
    suggestion : can try mandon cleansing water ( cheaper version RM 30++) if you no heavy make up user la.....other wise u need this HOLY GRAIL SHU OIL

    tutu J

  6. Pink Princess: Serious? I encounter different type of SA from Shu. I like Isetan's SA better. Very smiley n friendly.

    Pretty Beautiful: serious?! ok ok u change my mind babe?! thanks. Already spend money for this one can last many years liao. Thanks for recommending the Inuovi, so far I've not tried anything from this brand.

    Lynn: maybe we should start giving awards to SAs for generosity! kekek.. or Badges?

    Tutu J: u dam funny.. Holy Grail Shu Oil, that's a good ring to it!!! hahaha

  7. the SA for Shu in Isetan KLCC is very friendly and helpful.. but the one i encountered previously was a male. i went to buy an eyeliner brush from Shu.. it was retractable and looked very hip.
    he was soooo nice.. he gave samples from the whole range that came with the cleansing oil and not only one or two but few for each products.. i tried few of them already and they were good.
    if not for financial constraint and also i already had one cleansing oil from dior.. i might be the proud owner of Shu's


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