Miu at Ms. Reads

"Where do you shop Miu?" my readers would always asked me. Well I shop randomly actually & whenever I spot something I can wear, I would not hesitate to buy it. Why? b'coz honey, clothes my size don't come easy or "pretty" either. I wanted to get a new blouse to wear for the upcoming RMK Workshop @ The Apartment, KLCC so I went to Ms. Read at 1utama new wing (after finding out that they're having a sale there) to have a look see. I heard their latest collection is in store too which features fresh & summery styles.

Ms. Read is having sales!

FYI, Ms. Read has plus size clothing, I was pretty amazed at the sizes there yesterday especially at the sale rack. They have from size 12-22! I'm a size 14 (or 16). Sometimes I can wear a size 12 (depending on the cutting). At times I could even wear L (again depending on the style & cutting).

I think Ms. Read's clothing is simple, comfortable & elegant. I was looking for something more fun & girly or comfortable (I like being comfortable) and I tried on more than 6 blouses including a white dress from the bargain corner. I also tried their new arrivals (fresh, summery look), here's some of the really nice tops u can find to wear as a plus size!

latest arrivals

They looked simple & elegant but far too sophisticated for me! as u know I'm kinda a bit tomboy so I browse until I finally found this 2 cool tops which I was told it was the latest arrival as well. I tried them on & took some candid pictures! don't laugh please! maybe this is a start to my plus size modeling career? haha. Hmm I think the blue frilly blouse would be nice too, it's kinda sexy? (to me ahah).

Oh this is one is lovely! (size 14 ahem)

this one is hip! (size 12)

I couldn't decide which one to buy, so guess what! I bought both! and since they were the latest arrival, no discount given *sob sob*. Gosh but I really like the design so I bought them both which cost me about RM180 I think. So girls, what do you think? which one should I wear for RMK Workshop? the black or the purple?

Now you know where I shop! Ms. Read is one of them :) and I check out their latest arrivals & styles from Ms. Read's website http://www.msread.com.my. They have pictures of their plus size clothing styles from career to casuals to after five! Darn, I didn't see some of the style at 1utama! looks pretty good from the website. I shall check it out again next time.


  1. nice ah...didnt know they have a website, should check them out soon WHEN SALARY IS OUT THE NEXT TIME..hahaha..

  2. You should give a try coz u don't look like tomboy at all!

  3. i looove the first purple one, suit u very2 well... ^_^

  4. Wahhh.. i loike the orange top!! I can so see myself waring that to work.. haha. As for the blouse to wear to the RMK workshop.. i vote for the Purple one! Much more girly and suitable for cosmetic workshops... hehe ;)

  5. my sister also plus size,she like go to nichii city to buy her clothes....the price is reasonable....

  6. Ms Read mahal lah.. but if got sale, boleh tengok tengok ni! cantik the latest arrival.. oren tu!!!!

    miu i like the purple wan on you.. boleh jadi model sekarang kekeke..

  7. Hey miu,

    The purple looks great on you!!
    You've got such an interesting blog. Love to read them :)

    See you on Saturday.


    r u sure u r plusize???? lol

  9. Mui,

    U r not that plussize to me la...I meet u in real person twice.. well you can try to get skirt or dress... change ur style a bit.. let us surprise..

  10. Miu dear,

    i vote the first one. u look nice in it ;)


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