Manga & Beauty

Shu Uemura's latest cleansing oil collection is calling out to me and I'm trying so hard to resist it. Why am I suddenly leeeeemmmming for Shu Uemura?! b'coz of their latest cleansing oil collection which they collaborated with Moyoco Anno (famous manga artist in Japan!) and came out these limited edition oh so adorable manga-licious cleansing oils that's to die for, for the manga lovers. I myself love manga a lot. I have been reading manga since I was 11 years old, although I could not read chinese manga, I was so obsessed that I continue reading the mangas and translating it in my own mind. I read the behavior, expression and artistic values created by the manga artist. It's not just merely cartoons to me.

The latest collection of cleansing oils from Shu Uemura, Tokyo Kamon Girls ranging from rm260-280. Isetan had the promo last week, 1st 50 customers to buy the Kamon Girls cleansing oil will get facial sob sob. I missed it!!! sigh nvm. I saw the brush set for nearly rm300! woah and the make up case with kamon girls design on it RM1.2k!!!OMG! mad!
While I comtemplate to buy, which cleansing oil suits me? I have sensitive cheeks, dry skin, oily T-Zone. Anybody got a clue? OH maybe you should check it out at 1utama this friday 10/7/09 at Shu Uemura b'coz ONE CARD MEMBERS GET A FREE 8ml BOTTLE OF CLEANSING OIL WITH CLEANSING OIL DEMO! *while stocks last, must bring onecard!

friday one card member freebie!


  1. u read last time read doraemon!

  2. how to apply one card?? any fees?

  3. harim: lol ya.. i read all kinds of manga, doraemon is my childhood hero lol.

    lisa: yeah now need to pay, unless they got promo spend XXX n get to register free. The fees, i think rm10 or rm20..can't remember. RM10 probably.. u can read at

  4. Hi Miu!

    I've been using Shu's Cleansing Oil for almost a year now... and it is by far THE BEST cleansing oil i have ever used! Easy to use, effective, and it leaves your skin feeling fresh and soft after using it. I think i may have the same kind of skin as urs... combo skin rite? Oily T-zone and dry cheeks... Well, the SA suggested i use the basic one, which is yellow in colour. Not sure which one is better for sensitive skin tho. Its best if u ask the SA for a proper recommendation. Pls do lemme know the price for these limited editions k! Do they have these limited editions in smaller bottles? Am thinking of getting a new bottle to stock up.. ;)

  5. The limited edition bottle only available in big bottle 450ml, price from RM 260 (classic) - RM 290 (whitening). One good thing, the SA told me that they have this promo set available for classic is RM 290 (U.P RM 450) & Whitening is RM 350 (U.P RM 540).
    The package include Oil Cleanser, Lotion, Essence, Emulsion & eye gel (i think)... so quite worth to buy, plus now if you purchase RM 450 above, you will get free gift set 3pc and RM 600 above you will get 1 small bottle of classic oil cleanser!!
    I am going to grab the promo to get the freebies... after all it is a good products...
    By the way, the limited edition bottle having limited stock... the SA said it's going out fast...

  6. Haze from rm260-rm290 for 450ml cleansing oil.

    Anonymous: the sets, how many ml in it? and is it the kamon girls cleansing oil inside?

    i wish i can collect all the kamon girls in a collector set (miniature/small bottle) that would be so cool..

  7. Wah how limited is limited?? Aiyohh must go chk it out soon.. huhu. YEah the promo set has how many ml per item ya? The set looks preddy interesting...

    Miu: So did u get the "out of stock" freebie in the end?

    p/s: Miu.. I've tried contacting u on ur number last week but didnt get thru... bz or did u chg ur number?

  8. hmm not sure u sms see? my hp kena repair so i lost all my contacts

    i dun answer "strange numbers" coz scare stalkers. Sms me is better :D

    r u interested this Kamon Girl cleansing oil? 450ml leh.. rm260 each except the whitening one (purple wan) rm290.

    i am in the midst of asking the SA if i do a Kamon Girl Cleansing Oil Spree, would she give me more specials?

    who interested.. kekeee


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