Group Discussion

1. Group Discussion: Denggi -CLOSED- Thanks
Anyone between 25-45 years old has Denggi before?
English Speaking

2. Group Discussion: LCD/Plasma HD TV for more than 6 months -CLOSED-

Anyone aged between 45-60 f/m

Thursday Cantonese Session
Friday English Session

b4 7pm for 2 hours (pays rm140)
come early got light dinner b4 7pm group discussion starts

leave your email, i will contact you.

3. Focus Group: Survey on Chinese mothers using Enfa Milk Powder/Marmax/Marmilk.

25-35 years old married chinese woman
baby from 6months old - 3 years old
30mins - rm50
Working day 12noon - 7pm
Weekends 11am-5pm

leave email, i will contact u

*all the group dicussion will be held near klcc, must be punctual yap before 7pm


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