He's Just Not That Into You Book

I got the book finally!!! MPH is giving a promotion that has been running since I don't know when. Buy 3 for the price of 2? and this book is under this promotion! Don't need MRC member card! So the book is priced at RM39.90 and if you buy 3 for the price of 2 it's rm79.80 and get your friends to share and buy it, everyone pays only RM26.60!

Well I only need 1 book, so who wants to buy the other 2 books from me? I prefer people who meet me occasionally so I can just pass the book 2 u instead of posting. Well let me know if you're interested to share the books with me!


I FOUND 2 GIRLS who wanna share with me!

1. Shantini
2. unconfirmed 


  1. Cik Miu,

    Saya berminat. Me from putrajaya.


  2. miss miu, i saw u at corus's hotel last day hehehe rasa mcm nak tegur but.. masa tu u tengah byr kat kaunter :( ..1 take 2 hrs for q ..sdgkan ramai yang potong q.. i kesian dekat orng2 belakang i yg tgh bratur nak byr huhu i memang xpuas hati pada 2 girls.. yang muke jer cantik tapi jenis xreti nak bbudi bahasa n selfish!! bygkan dia leh potong q.. n selit selit dalam kesesatan orng ramai untuk masuk byr . tanpa q dulu.. mahu jer i nak tgur dgn pgai n sikap dia..plz girls dun do like that..cubalah bsikap bbudi bahasa skit..mak cik yang dah tua boleh q.. xkan u muda belia remaja xleh q kot.... make sure perangai kita selawa cam muke kita..

    i sampai at 10.30am, after decided to park my car at klcc...jauh sikit kena jalan xpelah.. janji kete xkena saman dbkl heheh wpun crwded but..i suke.. suke sangat..banyak brg xleh pilih sbb so cwded.. huhu malang nya..

  3. babe
    do u still have the book?
    nak beli from u
    prefer COD'
    i stay kat TTDI..and i do think i saw u a few times in curve area =)

    hope to hear good news from u!

    take care


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